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12 hours ago, Josh said:

Do you know anyone in jail and if so what did they do

Not at this time, no.


I have been in jail before though. 😅

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12 hours ago, Josh said:

Wots ur view on the covid pandemic or should we say plandemic

We should've ignored and not let media hype cause us to turn our lives upside down. Just go about life as normal without any lockdowns or mask mandates. I've been quite out and about in public for the past year.

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12 hours ago, Macleran said:

respect for trolling the fuck out of kids on twitter all these years ur a real 1

I've actually been unironically quite serious in my tweets. 😛 

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12 hours ago, Josh said:

Do you own any guns and if so which is your favourite?

Yes. I own this gun. I like it very much. AR-15s are far better to use than handguns in my opinion. Much less recoil, better aim, and better for home defense since the bullets start tumbling after penetrating a wall, making collateral damage less likely.


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12 hours ago, Josh said:

you seem like a nice local community member, do you mentor any kids and spend some quality 1 on 1 time with them to help them grow and develop?

I am actually a big fan of mentorship and think this is the best thing anyone can do to help others. I do generally feel that fathers really ought to be stepping up to the plate in doing that themselves though and I'm hesitant to interfere with how they're raising their kids without their permission.

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12 hours ago, Josh said:

If you could change any part of the constitution what would it be and why

Remove the Necessary and Proper Clause.

Remove the General Welfare Clause.

Clarify the Commerce Clause to be much more limited than it has been applied.

Add a way for states to explicitly override Supreme Court decisions.

Clarify that the Supreme Court is not the final arbiter of all constitutional matters.

And, in general, further return power to the states so that we have a confederation once again. The federal government really should not be doing much. It exists to regulate cross-border issues, such as those between the states and with foreign countries. It does not exist to engage in domestic policy within a state, nor to provide welfare to people.

Edited by Jebrim
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11 hours ago, Sir Severed said:

Did you ever take performance enhancing drugs to help with the grind? Gfuel? Monsters? Adderall? Meth? LSD? Anything???


Or conversely something to maximize your sleep efficiency? Like melatonin or nootropics?

No, I am very strongly against substance abuse. It was all willpower. I don't even drink coffee.

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10 hours ago, Fulco said:

I remember you being pretty pissed at me after I got banned for botting combat at the start of OSRS lol


Would totally do it again. 

I don't remember you, but it sounds like something I'd get pissed about.

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7 hours ago, Mikael said:

thoughts on mary?

where did it go wrong?

is she really as crazy as she comes across as?

She made a lot of fuss over small issues and didn't know how to forgive and forget and just move on. Relationships require mutual respect and the ability to resolve conflict. She did not know how to do this.

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