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What makes you so certain that your god is the actual god and not the plethora of other ones that are worshipped? Do you believe those people who chose wrong and atheists/agnostics are going to hell?


Thoughts on Pastafarianism?


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Per capita southern baptists have a higher conviction rate for pedophilia than the Catholic Church. Why is this and how should all churches repair their names?



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10 hours ago, true said:

What conspiracy do you believe in the most?


None, but I guess what you would a conspiracy might differ from what I would call a conspiracy. I think many people act in certain interests and push their values because they truly believe in them as indisputable facts. They often don't even realize their own biases. I think the Deep State is real, but that it's merely just the civil service that supports big government. They obviously would oppose any political agenda that sought to shrink the size of the federal government since that would leave their own jobs at stake. I don't consider this to be a conspiracy, but some might.


Some try to call replacement theory a conspiracy too, but I wouldn't really call it that either. Democrats want to import Third Worlders to replace the conservatives already in America so that they can outvote us. It's not really a secret.


I don't believe in any conspiracies like that evil rich Jews control society and all politics, or 5G is going to harm us all, or that GMOs are poisoning us.

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10 hours ago, Cowmonkey said:

Have You Ever paid for Sex/Sex services?


You like strippers ass in yo face or na?

Nope. I am a Christian.

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10 hours ago, Josh said:

whats your favourite runescape lore and why is it so good

The Elf quest series is my favorite because it is what first got me into doing Agility way back in 2006.


I'm not really a fan of questing.

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10 hours ago, Josh said:

when ur with the lads on a saturday night what kinda tinnies do you munch

What's a tinny/tinnie? If you're referring to marijuana, I very much oppose it and wish to see it remain illegal here in Texas.



I find that my irl friends are mostly boomers. That's probably because there's way more conservatives in that generation than among young people. It's good to surround yourself with the type of people that you want to be like since people are so heavily influenced by others.

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5 minutes ago, Jebrim said:

Some try to call replacement theory a conspiracy too, but I wouldn't really call it that either. Democrats want to import Third Worlders to replace the conservatives already in America so that they can outvote us. It's not really a secret.




Can you expand on this? I feel like I've heard similar things before but never got a full explanation. 


What is the importing that is happening and what are the third worlders?


I also thought that conservatives were already outvoted? 


ROT MotM April 2011

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3 minutes ago, Jebrim said:

What's a tinny/tinnie? If you're referring to marijuana, I very much oppose it and wish to see it remain illegal here in Texas.

Do you have any factual basis for opposing marijuana?

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don't be the third whale

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27 minutes ago, Jebrim said:

I should point out that I was an atheist/agnostic for many years.


There are many problems with Catholicism. In terms of its inner details, it relies heavily on oral traditions and non-Biblical sources. It is very ritualistic when the lessons of Jesus were very much about the opposite. Catholics act like the Pharisees in many ways. Catholicism corrupted the original Christian faith by incorporating pagan ideas and traditions within it. Protestantism is about trying to tear out that pagan corruption and returning to its original state.


From a high level perspective, Catholic ways also simply do not work. The culture they've created has resulted in Latin American and Southern Europe being much worse off than their Northern Protestant neighbors. The Catholic religion in many ways results in different morals. They are far more concerned with doing "good works" under the threat of Hell looming over their heads, which makes them much more inclined in supporting a welfare state. They don't see any shame in accepting handouts. They don't believe in pulling themselves up by their bootstraps.


Although I strongly disagree on everything said here I should thank you for your long reply. It's always nice to know more about people's beliefs, what made who they are now and how they see the world. 


Since this is not an apologetic topic I'll just leave it that way. Thanks for doing this AMA. 🙂

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10 hours ago, true said:

Do you use vanilla client? Or something like Runelite?


Favorite food?




Who should be president?


Favorite fast food place?


Do you smell?



I actually do use the vanilla client and have only ever used RuneLite on rare circumstances when I wanted to have more than 2 clients open at once.


I have met up with KingTheGreat several times and know his parents as well.


At this point in time, I would support either Ron DeSantis or Ted Cruz as President. That said, my focus is very much on Texas politics and not what's happening federally. The biggest race that concerns me right now is the Governor's race for Texas. I want Allen West to run and to primary Greg Abbott from the Right.


Jimmy John's. There is no fast food place that is faster.


Only like my Axe body wash.



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11 hours ago, Vanzant said:

I just remember the name we werent friends or anything lol. I've been around a long time and as a clan leader I was always looking at every single clans runehead, mIRC and forums back in the good ole days =p

The name BecKnight keeps coming to mind, as well as Batsy. I think they were with your clan but I can't be entirely sure. Do either sound familiar?


I also used to be Falador1king.

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