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Jebrim AMA


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Do you think women are the property of their husband? 

Do Women have too many rights? Such as voting, ability to drive a car unsupervised, and even having control over their body



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5 minutes ago, Josh said:

Which 3 countries do America need to declare war on to help promote christian values

Norway,  Poland and Chile 

Not sure if you heard. I was leader of The BlacKnights.



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(ignoring the assumed backlash to Biden coming and looking at the more medium-long term for these questions)


Do you think the new MAGA/populist movement emerging in the right will be good for conservatives in the long run? As you said the rest of the developed world tends to be more socialist/liberal than us and will continue to influence us culturally and through immigration, so it seems like a losing battle unless conservatives are willing to compromise more to capture people towards the middle. I understand you said you don’t necessarily consider yourself aligned with the MAGA/moderate factions, but it seems to a lot of people that without working together with them conservatives are doomed. The previous ruling neocon faction didn’t exactly appeal to anyone who wasn’t rich, and their actions faced backlash culturally and electorally. Whereas this new faction has broader appeal to people towards the middle and especially to younger voters who typically skew liberal, while also retaining some beliefs of more traditional conservatives. Or do you see a completely different faction taking the reigns and leading the party to success?


Thoughts on USA as a whole turning blue?
You said you care more about state politics than national, but if the majority of the country tilts blue by a decent margin, that will almost assuredly trickle down to state politics. As a socially liberal but right leaning moderate I can’t help but feel the GOP (at least until Trump) failed to represent people like me and countless other right leaning/independent young adults. While I disagree with a substantial amount of things the Democrats do, there are some things of theirs that I do support and feel strongly about which the Republicans, specifically old conservatives, seem set in stone on and willing to die on those hills. Are you happy to stick to your beliefs even if it means the impending death of conservatism as we know it or do you think they should compromise for survival? There is a risk of shifting the Overton Window if the far right move to moderate right, but would that not be better than eventual complete liberal domination where conservative hardliners are simply considered archaic?


As housing prices (amongst other issues) spiral out of control across the country Texas has become a top destination for people more liberal than Texans to flock to. How do you plan to keep your state conservative when people like Californians (who even conservative Californians tend to be more liberal than Texans) are moving in droves? Especially with Austin rapidly becoming the new liberal mecca of the western US? Texas is a big state outside of the main cities, but that doesn’t guarantee conservatives will be able to hold on forever.

Proud Tempest 1st Division


forever unbreakable 





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12 hours ago, Jebrim said:

We should've ignored and not let media hype cause us to turn our lives upside down. Just go about life as normal without any lockdowns or mask mandates. I've been quite out and about in public for the past year.

What about those +32m cases and +500k deaths caused by covid-19 in states since the pandemic started? Also, whats ur opinion on BLM and multiple school shootings every year?

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Where do you draw the line with medicine?


Vaccines to prevent disease?

Treatment to cure disease?

Blood transfusion to save a life?


If someone is sick should they receive medical intervention or just pray?



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love how college is a waste of time but you have 5 accounts on 200m agility xp


could have a bachelors and 2 masters degrees if youd spent your time differently






ROT MotM April 2011

ROT Official 2011-2016

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If you believe in the right to bear arms, do you also believe it should be the right for all countries to bear arms, including nuclear?  If you have the right to defend yourself from oppression and tyranny, should Iran too?

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