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Fondest or most memorable RuneScape moment?


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Mine would be getting a trimmed rune plate skirt from my e-boyfriend when I was like 9 (looking back at all the red flags, he was probably like 40 irl but at least I got a free plate skirt 🙂 ). I felt rich af when that happened and was so excited


Also thinking back to around 2011/2012 when I would Skype with Our Pride friends, it always warms my heart! I was just a kid back then but made a lot of happy memories with those people ❤️ 


what RS memories come to mind for you? 

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probably that one time me and @Mk 17 took our caravans down to skegness for the weekend and hit up the slot machines and got lucky


after that we came back to the caravans and duo'd bandos together on runescape and got 3 tassets lol, energy was electric tbh

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In 2005 I got scammed by someone I thought was a friend (they lived a city over from me, never met irl though). Loaned them my whip so they could kill Karil at barrows. They logged, hopped to W2 and I never heard from them again. At the time, the whip was like 5.5 - 6mill and easily was 80% of my bank value so I was pretty devastated. Considered quitting but turns out 4 good friends all chipped in some of their own cash and bought me a whip.

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First that comes to my mind was when I was in TT and we would go on video chat and talk like everyday. It was so much fun and super funny. A lot of great people were there at the time.

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33 minutes ago, Majin said:

In 2005 I got scammed by someone I thought was a friend (they lived a city over from me, never met irl though). Loaned them my whip so they could kill Karil at barrows. They logged, hopped to W2 and I never heard from them again. At the time, the whip was like 5.5 - 6mill and easily was 80% of my bank value so I was pretty devastated. Considered quitting but turns out 4 good friends all chipped in some of their own cash and bought me a whip.

Aww that’s so wholesome!! I also got scammed  by a friend and lost all the high value items from my bank and ended up just giving away all my remaining items before I quit Rs. I’m glad your friends chipped in and got you a new whip 🙂 







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Hard for me to pick a particular memorable "moment" since I've been around so long and seen it all. I guess if I was to pick one it would be becoming leader of DI in 2004. Just how it all happened, wasn't exactly straightforward.

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It would be the first time I got membership and buying dragon armor, felt so fucking rich and then a “friend” of mine stole it 😂😢

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Latin Crew Officer Tempest Member



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Fondest memory was when the fighting meta wasn't to hide in a 2x2 box, and clans weren't shit and just wanted to fight 1 v 1 to be the best clan and have bragging rights as the best. It stayed in game and was glorious.


Also late night tiny chats back in the day were priceless. Stoop kid and Big tom.... Oh the conversations......

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So hard to choose! There have been so many great moments. I'd probably go with the DS war when I was Gladz in 2006 because it was super hyped up and organized with having squads on TS. Then pulling like 300 people just made it into such a massively epic war. 

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Brian.. or Brianna?! | The artist formerly known as Pequ 
The Gladiatorz [2004-06] | Eternal Honour [2006-08]RSC CD Mod [2006-08]

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A few;


Getting my pmod status in 2005 lol.

Having my best buddy in the game (Unzinc) give me 2 santa hats before free trade was removed in mid 2007.

Going on late night PK's in Forgotten Templars and killing Ni / shit clans in late 2007.

Beating DF for #1 spot in 2009.

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