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28 minutes ago, Dickus said:

That’s less than minimum wage lol

I just left out I need your insurance info 🤡



- Former Crimson Raiders General - Barbie Boy 4 life ❤️ - Proud Tempy Member  

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28 minutes ago, Ashley said:

Hey Mike welcome to the community

Ty ty 🙂



** My bad for double posting not used to being on forums anymore**

Edited by Michael9560



- Former Crimson Raiders General - Barbie Boy 4 life ❤️ - Proud Tempy Member  

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2 hours ago, Vanuckle said:

Hey, miss MalibuBarbie my 1 true love....


You'll probably have to leave Zenith if you're going to join (they team with ROT), but you're a longtime old-school dude with recognizable name so could potentially make an exception. Looking forward to seeing you more involved in the community.

Was gonna say it if no one else did. Zenith are rot slaves. 










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Hi and welcome. Great that you love what you do IRL. The main clan scene has changed quite a bit since CR was around, but I'm sure you'll catch up in no time.



Fools / CU / DI / FF / Elu Warlord – TT Captain – TKO / TB / Desc / Tempy Member

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