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17 hours ago, Rclav said:

You're a mate. Always thought highly of you without really knowing you too well. 


Favorite food/absolute unhealthy cheat meal?


Appreciate it lad, you’re good stuff.


Maybe a lame answer, but I fucking love Whataburger. Every trip I take down to Texas or Florida I make sure to stop by.

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The Titans Officer

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8 hours ago, VirgoVaca said:

I remember seeing you name around quite a bit on RSC. What did you think of it in your era? Do you think you had a reputation?


What does Semper Decus mean to you? Where did that name come from?


RSC was frowned upon in TT, but with 3rd party posts we ended up getting sucked into it a bit. I had fun on it with the trolling and all. Don’t think I used RSC too much when I was in DI, DI’s forums were already so massive. I might have had a reputation, but I don’t know. I had UN access and whatever that exclusive rank thing was. 

Semper Decus was a super cheesy display name I came up with shortly after the display name system was released. It was around the time DI closed and Semper Decus was Latin for “always honor”. At least that’s what google told me. So yeah just a little ode to DI’s honor code. Thought it sounded better than Howitzer75 anyways.



The Titans Officer

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Definitely remember you from TT, was surprised to see you in Ronin (the original Ronin was my first ever clan in 2006~ or so with Bravo Gtr/Marco as the Leader in the Sals days). Pretty sure I was in DF the same time you were in TT, were you in the 24H+ PKRI DF vs TT? Thoughts on Scott(Robin)/H0tgun(Ben)?

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8 hours ago, True 2k8 said:

What is something you enjoyed about Tempest that you didn't have in other clans?


What is the biggest difference between TT and Tempest?


What is the biggest difference between Ronin and Tempest?


What was your time in FSK like?


Why do you think OSclans failed? What did you think the odds of success were?


Did any women in TT try and diddle you?


Don't have to yell at people about camping our own members here, that's pretty cool.


Tempest actually makes P2P a priority and regularly gets fights there. TT would just do non-mand pk trips so nobody took it that seriously. I'm more of a fan of 2020/21 P2P fights than I had thought I would be.


The memberlist's average IQ.


It was bland. Really hard to integrate into a GMT clan's community when you're pretty much the only American around. Fights were okay. Nice enough fellas anyways.


It failed because I completely ignored it. It didn't take long to realize there are few people interested in a neutral forum, and I get it. There's no incentive to post your topics outside of your own forums and social media. You lose control of the narrative when you're subject to moderation.


Yeah, wasn't having it. Ain't on.

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The Titans Officer

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7 hours ago, Adam_ said:

You said you recognize portions of the clan community as toxic and saw clans less prone to such playstyles close. Then you went on to say you feel the large change is needed on Jagexs end. Care to elaborate ? Wouldn't this suggest certain clans and individuals need to change more so than Jagex ?

I think there's 2 issues at hand. PvP is lackluster and provides no real incentive to the average player, which is a major failure on Jagex's part. Those who may still remain interested in the modern PvP scene are, more likely than not, deterred by toxic gameplay and behavior outside of the game. I think the bigger issue of the two is the failure of Jagex to provide the player base at large with a worthwhile PvP system. It's a lot easier to tolerate toxic behavior if the game itself is enjoyable.

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The Titans Officer

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7 hours ago, Adam_ said:

Name 5 bunnies you'd want to recruit?


Who are your favorite bunnies ? 


Can you believe Df copied bunny guest with their hunny guest AND copied Tempests birthday ? Wild eh

Lrd, Josh, Joni, King Obina, Alorus - TT unit get in


It's you Adam underscore.


C&D's are due to be sent out shortly.

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The Titans Officer

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