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11 hours ago, Lavigne said:

Which officials flamed the most in both eras of DI?

Which ideas were not designed by you that you liked the most in both eras of DI?

What were the best and worst parts about working alongside me in DI?

Why does DanB get shade, saw your top 10 list and curious why he wasn't near it seemingly, as he seemed to work hard on the p2p aspect of the clan when I was DI and it did seem like he was trying.

RS2 era Bibbleboy without a doubt. Might have been you in OSRS? Your flaming wasn't like his though, his was like flaming people for being jewish and stuff.


The whole concept of XP tracking, which I think we did before any other clans, came from Oergg. Also the idea of sending out a tweet for events. This is when twitter was still text only and not an app. That was another Oergg idea.


Best was your "spastic" calling style. That always worked best for DI but we had so few of those type of callers in OSRS era. You were great banter when you wanted to be. Worst was when you were either drunk or high you were liable to do anything and it was hard to tell if you were trolling or not sometimes lol. If you remember the time you made Sam (Clutch) quit the clan over saying something like "it's me sam" in a spastic voice on TS. I think that recording is still around somewhere


DanB was a good RSB/P2P caller yea, but wasn't able to call at all on F2P. I think the reason he got shade as a person was because of how poorly he handled banter. I mean he literally quit the morning after the d bolt spec incident. I guess the majority of the clan only saw his calling abilities on F2P rather than RSB (since that was more niche) and assumed he was bad. I don't rate him as a bad P2P/RSB caller but he just didn't have the entire package.



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If you didn't close DI when you did, and kept going for another year or two, what changes do you think you'd have made?


My memory might be quite bad now, but if I remember TT were #1 f2p by quite a long way and RoT were pushing us hard in p2p... I remember having a p2p fight vs TT in return we'd give them an F2P fight because no one else would do it. The p2p lasted like 10 minutes haha



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9 minutes ago, Brian said:

I think that recording is still around somewhere

Fight/Jake still has the vid but he privatized it again, it's still around. "Lavigne you're the most spastic official like there ever will be in this clan"






Grand Miracle Wizard of the Far-Right Sea Templar's Party | Bringing racism back into RS clanning since 2023.



RSN: South Tyrol

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An absolute shitload of rank ones/top10 rankings in multiple games. Now too busy.



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Also how did J50 get his rep as a Milf Hunter?






Grand Miracle Wizard of the Far-Right Sea Templar's Party | Bringing racism back into RS clanning since 2023.



RSN: South Tyrol

Leader of REIGN community since 2004 - Undisputably the best gaming community in history.

An absolute shitload of rank ones/top10 rankings in multiple games. Now too busy.



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13 hours ago, Lavigne said:

Also if you recall, you took sick leave somewhat in DI for a bit with the shits, did you ever find out why that was? 

And was there anything you ever wanted to say to me but never have? Even though I can't imagine anything, you've always been direct.

I had a really bad flu the week of the JCup. Like in bed for a week type bad. I managed to struggle out of bed for our fight with FSK, might have been the semi final? Got sick after we went in the portal but soldiered on


I probably said whatever I had to say when we talked when you were joining Tempest

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13 hours ago, Adam_ said:

Are there any og di members/officials you wish had come through and had a stint in OSRS Di?


Are there any og di members/officials who were very obviously bad at adjusting in OSRS ?


What was Di's relationship with AC like? I was told there was some sort of relationship there at one point though it could be exaggeration. Apparently Sp33dy20 and some other guys joined or at least tried to join Di? Also remember when that Shadow (ex rot) kid posted on the forums you mentioned getting him booted from AC I think. 

Of the ending RS2 DI ranks the only one who took it seriously in OSRS was Foyboy, so I had to basically build with a new rank team. Would have really liked to have @Tomisme, Dark Sora100 (drugged out of his mind the entire time), Flako (was around but didn't take it seriously) and of course Rad. It would have made a big difference.


Yea the ones I mentioned Sora and Flako. Those guys were great officials right at the end of RS2 DI but just never worked out in OSRS


Relations between DI and AC were always pretty good. Thing is Sp33dy had a tendency to go a little crazy at times. AC attempted to mass join DI at one stage but it was never going to work out long term. We took the the numbers boost for the short term but they eventually all ended up leaving. That Shadow guy was spying on AC for RoT and everyone knew it but Sp33dy wouldn't kick him for whatever reason.

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13 hours ago, Adam_ said:

Although I don't really know about them, pretty sure i've read that there were notably some decent sized crash wars that came to an end years ago involving big alliances. Do you think the current one will come to an end, or will it be the downfall of the clanning community? If you do think it will end, what do you think the resolution will be and how will it arrive? 

The current crash war will never end no because things have gone too far. In the past crash wars never got taken out of game. This ones gone way beyond that with certain clans. The only chance it would end is if RoT closed. Everyone else is interested in legitimate action but RoT aren't. That's the path they've chosen. Is it because they don't want legitimate action? Not sure. I think everyone clanning now is comfortable with the situation or they wouldn't still be clanning so I don't think it'll lead to the downfall of the community, that said, it's not good for growth.

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12 hours ago, Adam_ said:

If Eric had never been ranked how differently do you think things would have gone ? 

Overall not a lot differently because he only had influence on his friends and not a lot of influence clan wide. I guess if he hadn't been ranked then there wouldn't have been a need for a demotion. Would he have left at some stage anyway then? Probably not but the whole BBU thing was unsustainable anyway so he might have been kicked if things continued down the path they were.


In my opinion he never really fit in Tempest, not in the rank team at least, always seemed like a bit of an outsider and for the most part I kept my distance from him because I knew it was going to end badly.

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13 hours ago, Adam_ said:

Having been a leader of a well known clan yourself who felt burn out and left it all behind, were you at all surprised when @True 2k8 burnt out and left DF? 

I was surprised at the circumstances, as in that the clan was still open and he left. I wouldn't have been surprised if DF had closed. It's not sustainable to be a hands on leader for more than a period of 4-5 years. It's a full time job and as we get older with real jobs you can't expect someone to be able to work two. When someone is more of a leader who delegates to his team like @LivinLarge21did with RSD, then it can go on a lot longer. In my opinion though a leader should always be very active, hands on and there day to day.

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13 hours ago, Adam_ said:

Anyone in Tempest you thought you wouldn't really care for or would be annoyed by but ended up liking? 

I didn't really know most people in Tempest when I joined, just knew "of" them. Only one I had a bad feeling about was Eric based on what I knew about his history and that ended as expected so no can't say there was anyone I ended up liking since I didn't dislike anyone else.

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13 hours ago, Adam_ said:

Anyone in Tempest you thought you wouldn't really care for or would be annoyed by but ended up liking? 

I didn't really know most people in Tempest when I joined, just knew "of" them. Only one I had a bad feeling about was Eric based on what I knew about his history and that ended as expected so no can't say there was anyone I ended up liking since I didn't dislike anyone else.

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Who were your top 3 favorite "Spastics" in DI?


Same question, but for tempest? 


Have you ever had ketchup chips?


What is your favorite car?

Edited by Scumpr




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What got you into RS1? Why did you not move to hype games like WoW when the MMORPG scene really took off with broadband in every home in the early 2000s.

Edited by Lavigne






Grand Miracle Wizard of the Far-Right Sea Templar's Party | Bringing racism back into RS clanning since 2023.



RSN: South Tyrol

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An absolute shitload of rank ones/top10 rankings in multiple games. Now too busy.



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