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2 hours ago, Wee Man said:

Do you have any goals or ambitions for Tempest or is a it take each day as it comes and chill kind of thing right now?


Do you think Jagex are eventually going to force everyone onto the steam client and shut down 3P clients? Do you think this will be a + or - for the clan world?


Are clans to blame for the lack of new blood or is it more so the shifting mentality of the majority of OSRS players over the years?


In Tempest who do you think most people have the wrong impression of?


What's your favourite technical challenge you've overcome while in Tempest?

Personally I'm not too goal orientated these days. Just like to live day by day. I guess one goal I have though is keep the community active and stuff.


I think at some point they will force steam but that's absolutely years away right now. Management have made stupid decisions but they know well it would kill OSRS if they did it in the near term. I don't think the clan world will exist by time this happens.


Clans didn't help the situation that's for sure but if you think back to when clanning was at it's absolute peak around 2006 then no one played RS for PVM because it didn't exist besides stuff like KBD, KQ. Jagex moved the game towards being more PVM orientated to compete with other games. If they kept the focus on PvP/clanning then the game would be long dead.


Probably Severed, people write him off cause hes a Trump supporter etc but he's actually smart


Probably when I took over ownership of forums and hosting. Was a lot of hiccups there setting stuff up. Obviously there's other projects that I not able to mention right now but some day perhaps.

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2 hours ago, Neil said:

How did you hand out Special Guest rank on the forums back in the day? Prior to me becoming a member I tried so fucking hard to get that rank 😂


I’ve known you, or atleast we’ve chatted for many years now- I’ve never heard you speak. I have read before that you used to talk in 05 or so, do you currently speak with anyone on voice chat in private or Tempest chats? 

A lot of questions have been asked about OSRS DI V2, and a lot of blame was put on Oldee but in reality it was a majority of the player base who wanted to continue and didn’t like the way it ended. I remember speaking with Eric on FB trying to find out what the hell happened to the forums cause we all thought you’d been hacked.  In hindsight, we shouldn’t have continued but seemed like the right idea at the time. 

I think one of the set criteria used be 5k post count. Other than that it was hand picked good posters. We were actually pretty tough on it. But forums were mega active in those days.


Yea I talk to people privately or on TS sometimes but not all that frequently, never really been my thing.


I definitely don't blame Olde or anyone for wanting to continue. It was me who wanted to quit the game, not anyone else. Just should have been under a new name is all.



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2 hours ago, Adam_ said:

What did you think of Renegades ?



Seemed like a well run clan, but if I had ended up sticking around I wouldn't fit in. Different kinda vibe to the community there than I was used to in DI. Not sure why they closed but seemed like something that could probably go on for a bit.

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2 hours ago, Adam_ said:

Was there any limit to how many chances you'd give someone?


Who are some people that were known to either leave or get removed a lot and come back?

If someone left for another clan there was no coming back ever. If someone left and quit the game I'd give a second chance but if it happened multiple times we'd make it very hard to rejoin. Extended FA etc. Keep in mind FA was already a minimum of 10 weeks at it's stage. That was all in RS2. In OSRS we were more open to people rejoining if they left after quitting the game but still never allowed people come back if they left for another clan.


@Amstrdam used leave weekly pretty much but we'd always let him back.

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Which officials flamed the most in both eras of DI?

Which ideas were not designed by you that you liked the most in both eras of DI?

What were the best and worst parts about working alongside me in DI?

Why does DanB get shade, saw your top 10 list and curious why he wasn't near it seemingly, as he seemed to work hard on the p2p aspect of the clan when I was DI and it did seem like he was trying.

Edited by Lavigne






Grand Miracle Wizard of the Far-Right Sea Templar's Party | Bringing racism back into RS clanning since 2023.



RSN: South Tyrol

Leader of REIGN community since 2004 - Undisputably the best gaming community in history.

Rank 3 in the UK for Riichi Mahjong (UKMA ELO)

An absolute shitload of rank ones/top10 rankings in multiple games.



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Also if you recall, you took sick leave somewhat in DI for a bit with the shits, did you ever find out why that was? 

And was there anything you ever wanted to say to me but never have? Even though I can't imagine anything, you've always been direct.

Edited by Lavigne






Grand Miracle Wizard of the Far-Right Sea Templar's Party | Bringing racism back into RS clanning since 2023.



RSN: South Tyrol

Leader of REIGN community since 2004 - Undisputably the best gaming community in history.

Rank 3 in the UK for Riichi Mahjong (UKMA ELO)

An absolute shitload of rank ones/top10 rankings in multiple games.



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Are there any og di members/officials you wish had come through and had a stint in OSRS Di?


Are there any og di members/officials who were very obviously bad at adjusting in OSRS ?


What was Di's relationship with AC like? I was told there was some sort of relationship there at one point though it could be exaggeration. Apparently Sp33dy20 and some other guys joined or at least tried to join Di? Also remember when that Shadow (ex rot) kid posted on the forums you mentioned getting him booted from AC I think. 








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Although I don't really know about them, pretty sure i've read that there were notably some decent sized crash wars that came to an end years ago involving big alliances. Do you think the current one will come to an end, or will it be the downfall of the clanning community? If you do think it will end, what do you think the resolution will be and how will it arrive? 








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