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Hello m8s


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Runescape Name (Don't post if login name)
Fuck knows. Will update when account is recovered lmao.

Preferred Name 

Current Clan

Previous Clan History

Deathrow is the first I remember, 05 is my best guess. Left following rl friend.
Rune Raiders - 05. Followed rl mate from DR here, got kicked for being a spastic and cheating in a DM.
Chaos Crusaders - 05. The leader scammed a mate for 80m, bunch of us left and made some shite P2P clan that lasted like a week.
Most Wanted - 06. Merged with RoT.
Reign of Terror - 06. PKed with them about 2 times and found it boring, continued PKing with a few mates from MW who didn't join RoT and was eventually kicked for never showing up to anything/not being on IRC embarassed(2).gif
Crimson Raiders - 06. They didn't like me being in a P2P PK team so I left
Live 2 Lure - 06/07. PK team (people from MW) died, joined L2L as I knew Fearny from MW. Died.
Outlawz, 07. L2L reformed with the insane idea of not BSing every new app lol. Stayed here til some time halfway through single BH and then left

DI - 2007scape 2013 - 2015


Who do you know in Tempest?
Brian, Lavigne, Victoria, Scleritis, Null Strikes


Are you interested in joining?
Eventually, yes

Brief Introduction

Boring 31 year old cunt, like tattoos, army reservist, metalhead, like FPS and fighting games, 



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