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If someday in Us university to be cheap or for free ? Do you do it ?


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I realized some countries where the university are cheap or for free, many people to do it a lot time, one time or 2,3. One guy I know did 3 graduate, math,engineer, medicine;

Many times, I see guys with master and phd, but because is from x country is not good for another country.


That my point, What do you think ?  A piece of paper too expensive in one country and others too cheap.

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a degree from a good US university will be accepted pretty much anywhere tbf


but the same could be said for a lot of the best universities in other countries




don't be the third whale

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I’m not sure man. I paid like 30k in student loans tho. Fuck that shit


Legendz | The Titans | Tempest

[Templar Jan & Feb 2023]










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School should be for the wealthy only. We need to go back to medieval times where the poor aren't allowed to learn.


Wouldn't go back after already doing 8 and a half years, but I won't be salty about newer generations of students not having to deal with the expenses.










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I'm not sure free is the solution. "free" doesn't always mean no one pays for it. Most of the time in the US free means tax payers foot the bill. I'm not sure that's a good solution. Not to mention professor salaries will likely drop and make the good ones find other employment. 

I take this stand with health care too. We need to figuer out why it cost so much. We need a standardized way to charge that's fair. Unfortunately you can't do that without government intervention, which I'm not keen on. 


I'll end with this. Education is our future, every country should invest in it to make sure its population has access to state of the art service. Free isn't the answer but what's going into dept for the rest of your life isn't it either. 


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1 hour ago, Brian said:

Degrees from some countries ain't worth shit. Any country with a degree worthwhile isn't gonna be free.

My country prime example



Tempest Old School

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