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Bunny Guest
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Everything posted by stone

  1. knew you was an animal..smh well done steaks cant beat my fav joints buffalo chicken sandwich
  2. mines is probs goblin village cos inf is one of the best looking lads going amongst them
  3. thanks for training up my account, grats me
  4. fak off back to green street ya dobber
  5. stone


    How did you guys get involved with clans? Was playing loads of castle wars back in the day, and stumbled into a castle wars clan and joined them. From there a few of the members of that were also in a PVP clan and asked me to join. Why have you stuck around/what brought you back? I stopped playing the game well before EOC, once EOC came i was done with clans completely. Came back in 2017, at the time i wasnt really into any games so thought id give it a shot again, only lasted for a short stint and realised the fights are god awful now so it didnt stick. For those that are clanless, how come? The F2P fights are honestly completley horrendous, and was never a fan of large P2P fights only pk trips in small numbers for a laugh, that combined with most P2P fights i see just get ragged with 1 itemmers i dont see the attraction. What was your favourite clanning era and why? Pre-BH, you could just go out on a F2P pk trip and end up in a scrap, everything was just much more active and the planned fights didnt usually disolve into uncapped outlasting.
  6. legends never die, keep owning
  7. shame you was never good at AOE2 tho Welcome back
  8. stone

    Requesting SIG

    @Ssjmakes the sexiest sigs u want him
  9. yer copied homework a bunch cos cba, never did on exams or tests tho wasnt necessary
  10. As a kid when you used to knock on somones door and run away, what did you call it? If you didnt play this then you didnt have a childhood btw We called it ding dong dash where i lived at the time
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