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I Kill Batty

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Everything posted by I Kill Batty

  1. I too got myself an elder maul today.
  2. Have you heard Vanzant was the leader of BK?
  3. Genesis has had 70's on TS at our peak pulls
  4. Easy 8m+ for tempy 1m off untradeables
  5. Go train I'm about to pass you in level
  6. subtract the L in clock and former DF leader true is in.
  7. GG was easy one banging them all
  8. Take notes @Dr3ambash3r
  9. I don't know, but True's catchphrase is just 1 L off of making him DF leader again, so I vote for @True 2k8
  11. I just got two that really stand out, and then there was a few that just certain actions just made them bad, but I'll only mention one. -Genesis Crash War fight vs PH + probably 3-5 slave clans What made this event horrible was the context. I don't remember which particular Gen vs PH battle this was, but Genesis needed callers and had opened up the Trial Lieutenant rank recently, having calling experience a year or 2 back I decided to give it a shot and took the trial position, as did many others, so many decided to give it a go that we had to do rotations on who got to take charge at which events. The first event I was supposed to be the main lead in I got DDoSed either before or after I even called my first pile(I think someone said I managed to get the name off before I dced), so that left me both with a bad mark against me from the beginning and forced to wait for my next turn in the rotation to demonstrate my abilities. When my turn to lead an event arose again, I was supposed to be one of the lead callers for what ended up being a mass snipe cluster fuck event, me having no experience in mass snipe battles, much less leading them, on top of being fully outnumbered thanks to PH having every clan they could get there to back them up it didn't end well. Genesis had about 55ish to PH having nearly 100 on their TS, and for reference PH's ML at the time was about high 50's to mid 60's for members, and obviously they didn't pull 100% of their ML, so it was a retarded amount of randoms there on us. Outnumbered by nearly double, in a mass snipe fest with no experience in these types of events, I looked and felt like a total fool trying to get anything done in this fight and quickly surrendered my role as a trial LT, as I did not feel fit to call during these types of events, it was one of our few bad losses. -Crimson Raiders vs CL Towards the end of my time in CR we had a battle against CL where they outpulled us by a margin, I believe it was a 2 hour cap event, with an 8 sniper cap. Despite significantly underpulling on numbers, Fire 13lade decided we should still send out a sniper unit of 8, as a result we had zero KO power and were being dragged throughout the wildly like nothing, meanwhile CL was one ticking everyone CR member they piled, it got to the point where we had 8 callers dead at the same time, completely silent on TS, 8 people still sniping and a main force of like 5-8 out on field at GDZ with CL rushing in at us with 60, as our whole remaining force is still being harassed by their sniper unit. It was a complete flop, we got decimated, no question about it, not wanting to appear weak officials didn't call the event off, and forced us to sit through this rape session where we didn't stand a chance. Honorable mention of something that pissed me off during an event. -Aftermath of an event, Genesis vs PH + DF + TT We just won an event and PH + DF + TT rolled up late to try to crash us after it was over, we brawled briefly and cleared them and had them hiding in single, we told them to follow us further out to fight as we had a hot streak going, they sat in single we took ending, and instead of logging out there like we normally do and going down on our own, someone who shall remain nameless, decided to march us into them while they were in single, despite me telling them to stop and to have us log out there, and not be a retard and give them the satisfaction of us going to see them, which they did not heed the advice and they walked us into single next to the PH DF TT alliance where they took a bunch of fake pictures of us being "chased" into single claiming they dominated us.
  12. Just be sure not to get you gp swindled by the.... gypsy's!
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