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I Kill Batty

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Everything posted by I Kill Batty

  1. And you probably watched all his vids.
  2. Tanking in his phat, like a boss.
  3. I see your teleportation and make it only go to a truck stop bathroom.
  4. A dominant performance by Tempy.
  5. Very easy, made 2m just looting in the last 10 minutes.
  6. Better than @Dr3ambash3r
  7. Plot Twist: Rocky got his head beat in fighting Apollo Creed in the beginning, and everything we see afterwards is just his imagination as he forever lies in a coma.
  8. I see your unlimited money and make it all stolen, so anytime you use it, you risk being found out and thrown in jail. I see your power of flight and raise you the inability to land safely. I see your immortality and lol I don't even need to do anything to this one, it's the worst ability to have.
  9. Corn and green peas pizza with some jimmies and pineapple tbh.
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