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I Kill Batty

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Everything posted by I Kill Batty

  1. Would you be down for a movie night?
  2. Looks faker than a 3 dollar bill
  3. How many of the lessers have you La Hired?
  4. I'm genuinely confused is there like several clans called Corruption or am I missing something
  5. Milad is worst official, he took part in my demotion.
  6. Why is everyone speaking of this corruption clan? is it new? I just recall in 2011 some clan called Corruption pulling about 40 and slumping out, is this a different clan or what? I'm confused no troll.
  7. Rich niggas like me can only use mechanical keyboards, I don't want to hear your brokeness
  8. @NeverSober's mother was the strangest fish I ever roasted, for @Eric`` I think he grilled this cow named Parfum with @Mona
  9. I could never train Hunter, solid work.
  10. I Kill Batty


    I'd rather neck myself than do this, and on that note... nice
  11. You must be shackled before @Matt Robbin
  12. I hope you're not carrying all those bones in your back pocket
  13. Ah a familiar face, what's going on mate?
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