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Posts posted by D96

  1. How sick y'all think Wilderlegends would have been back in RS2?


    Share a funny story from TCL that never got disclosed publicly


    A part from WL, who would you say that were your biggest rivals/who you enjoyed the most fighting against?


    In your oppinions, why brazilians always hated other brazilians in RS?


    Best party/festival you've been to?


    Did you manage to get away from that crazy girl or she still in your house @Aiorya?


    How did y'all feel when you saw UK Rei live on TV cus he was late to do his uni entrance exam lmfao?

  2. @King_Obina how did it feel when you saw @Aiorya getting piled on that WL vs. Pandemic CWA fight? When we said on TS that he was the pile, instead of putting his zamorak set on, he took his green d'hide off, someone must still have that pic bro lmfao


    @Aiorya how did you manage to do that ^


    @King_Obina @Aiorya @Frankventura @Victor what's the most NH thing you've done?


    If WL closed, that would leave a lot of brazilian & portuguese men homeless. Would that make a TCL comeback remotely possible or would still be a big no?

  3. @King_Obina as for the "brainwash" part you've mentioned - the entire luso-brazilian scene used to say that like it was an absolute truth but realistically I truly don't remember that happening during my stay. We would quite often get crashed by ADJ/EOS/HA when fighting vs. you guys and we used to be hella satisfied about being the last clan standing (in FULL RUNE while SKULLED @ RoT) after 10 hours of fight, outnumbered by 50+ people etc. but it was never like we were blind to not see the struggle, we just would rather discussing whatever we could have done better in private and celebrating the victory in public - uncappeds were never about who performed better, but about who was willing to go that extra mile and stay regardless of being tired/having shit to do the next day - if we actually lost in whatever kind of fight, I actually remember us having a step back as a staff team and telling people to not be claiming something that wasn't ours. In general I feel like during 2010-2012 you guys usually would perform better (but fighting under better circumstances) and bail whenever you got bored, but from our perspective, it didn't matter tanking for 2-3 hours to get the W afterwards. 


    How did it feel when I deleted all topics from TCL boards back in 2011-12? I remember I was just chilling when Hugo randomly PM'd me with his forum details saying "have fun". Tbh it was just topics being cleaned so no major issues but how did it get to the point of having a Warlord/Pk Leader (mod cp access) rage quitting like that?


    Did any of you guys @King_Obina @Frankventura @Aiorya @Victor take part on the last cluster before EoC? How was it from your perspective?


    Vid from that fight:



  4. That's actually a quite interesting read. I have nothing but respect over TCL, you guys gave me the most fun I've had on this game by far. Regardless of WL or TCL being on the better moment, it was always competitive and it always tasted different when compared to any other fights.


    I never thought I'd see it happening, but a huge shoutout to when WL reopened in OSRS and 30-35 of you guys joined us. Even if it didn't last for long, was very nice to be clanning with y'all, be it on the fights or community wise. When we had that 8 hours fight against Arroz we were all washed up, low levels etc. but we still managed to smoke them and it was really enjoyable, I never thought I'd see the likes of Aiorya, Rmd, MrLolz & others calling/back up calling/hyping people up in WL while fighting another luso-brazilian clan lmfao.


    You guys definitely dominated the majority of the luso-brazilian scene from 2010 to 2012. With that being said, assuming all of you weren't in TCL anymore when the mass leave happened, how did it feel to see TCL from the outside?


    What would you have changed in TCL if you had the chance? And if you say nothing you're lying #


    To @Aiorya, @King_Obina and @Frankventura - how was that uncapped WL vs. Arroz fight for you guys? Did you have the same feeling that I mentioned? What surprised you positively/negatively?


    What would it take to reopen TCL?


    How did clanning/RS in general affect your lives?


    What did you guys admire the most about WL back then? You still felt the same when we reopened in OSRS?


    What did you guys hate the most about WL back then? You still felt the same when we reopened in OSRS?

  5. sparta > flip flops!


    nice to know more about you, have seen your name a lot through the years - sorry if you replied to some of the questions already:


    what made you stay in DF when true/other people came to tempest?


    do you see DF returning to F2P & would you enjoy it?


    best/worst moments while clanning?


    top 5 fights you enjoyed the most to call?


    how did DF change over the last 10 years?


    how was your perspective from being a rank in DF and being in a crash war with RoT from 2015 to 2017?

  6. What if any improvements or fixes do you feel should be made to clan wars as the content currently is? New maps? New rulesets/modes? Any changes?

    Not necessarily to clan wars, but mage pray should at least reduce snare time - other than that, I guess fixing hugging would be interesting.

    How do you think cheating and shared members will be addressed during the j cup?

    I honestly don't think they'll care enough/be able to micromanage it. Clans always looked for ways to have advantage on others, and even if I'm personally against clients, I don't think Jagex will actually make rules about it/detect it and apply punishments which it's just sad because individual skills/quality isn't what really matter anymore. From the perspective of a regular member, in F2P specially with snares & clients, being a good ranger/mager won't have such a big impact compared to before.

    Do you see the likely inability to pull 100 for some clans being an issue in the j cup?

    Not a single PvP clan have a 150ish active men memberlist anymore, so definitely. Being able to pull 100 people with retireds/guests will be impossible to a lot of clans, and with that being said would be smart to redo categories. It's fine to keep 100v100, but there should be more categories so more clans could take part & compete on it, like 60v60, 50v50, 40v40, 30v30 etc.

    Do you think there will be near as many fights in clan wars as there are now after the j cup or will it probably die out?

    I wish clan wars action just increased with time, but it's hard to say really. It'll probably decrease after Jcup (if it actually happens heh) but I don't think it's dying as long as people keep having a good time/enjoying it.

    Who do you think is taking the W(s) in the J cup in the various categories?

    Don't really know about specific categories, but: P2P - I think AF will be sweeping it or taking most categories / F2P - AF should also do well here and get at least 100v100, smaller categories should be really competitive between AF/REV/WL/Tempest.

    Do you prefer wilderness action or clan wars?

    I really enjoy both. Wilderness fights are really nostalgic and I find them fun specially in high opts. I don't care about it being a 1v1/cluster or whatever really. As for clan wars, it's pretty much the place where quality is supposed to be shown and from there determine who's the better clan/team, so it's also necessary. Uncappeds were a lot of fun back in the days, but we were all young and fight formats were also different - stuff like ragging, bringing adamant, 4-iteming without skulls and outlast tactics in general weren't efficient because returning was way slower, meaning that it was actually possible to clear someone. There was also KDR tracker which could show which clan actually performed better regardless of numbers/outlasting.

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