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Posts posted by D96

  1. 4 hours ago, Mona said:

    For @D96, List your top 20 warrers (internationals included) you'd take into a tournament - people who are still clanning currently.

    1. Raamsdonkje
    2. Southampton
    3. Vitor
    4. Filz (even if he's mia)
    5. Outstanding
    6. Leeo
    7. Lemaster
    8. EoMeri (idk what he's up to)
    9. Santista
    10. Jared
    11. JcJack (even if he's mia)
    12. N Forest (haven't seem him in CWA lately but this kid is a monster)
    13. Lassuri (idk what he's up to)
    14. Maarten
    15. Ffs M8
    16. Ben (Edgeville)
    17. Rokkari (idk what he's up to)
    18. Reasoning3
    19. Scaper
    20. Giggs (idk what he's up to)
    • simp 1
  2. 19 hours ago, Adam_ said:

    Thoughts on:












    Thoughts on EoS reopening?


    For the two of you that were in the most recent iteration of DI, how did you enjoy being under Olde Nite? What were any strengths/weaknesses he may have had in contrast to Brian?

    When that version of DI closed did you feel as if it could've/should've been saved, or it was reasonable to close given the state of things (mainly the clan word) at that point?


    When Wilderland reopened did you see it as a long term thing or just for lockdown? For lack of better phrasing, what do you foresee for the future of WL on osrs?


    Thoughts on the current state of the clan world and what needs to be fixed? What could be done to fix that?


    Old clans are reopening and regaining members (yourselves, EoS, VR), what's another clan that you'd like to see come back and why?


    Best / worst clans you've dealt with (setting up fights/general relationships) while in leadership ?


    Most overrated clan of all time?


    Favorite / least favorite clans and why?


    Best official in your opinion from the clans I mentioned at the top of this post (from what you know/personal dealings)?



    Also @D96 thoughts on bball ?

    DF - I was never close to anyone in there and my knowledge about them is limited, but they used to give WL great fights back in RS2 and to DI/Downfall/The Rising in OSRS while I was there. They should get back to F2P.

    Tempest - I feel like Tempest had a similar effect to what WL had when we just reopened, specially in terms of bringing more life to F2P. Seems like Tempest is doing really good lately, was surprised to see the amount of events & consistency with pulls. 

    RoT - I feel like they aren't the same clan anymore. Not really sure what happened, but I think they're just cringe with doxing etc. I assume they can pull 100s if they prep big and they should be able to get decent #s regardless, but it's clear they simply aren't the same. We tried to be neutral/have an ok relationship with them in WL, but it was never gonna work with them just looking for themselves.

    Arroz - What they did with an open CC was impressive, but their staff is terrible and can't control their members. They got good guys, but they also got some cringe kids. They're dead for a reason.

    VR - It's good to see them back at F2P. Seems like they got a good amount of old schools coming back, so this should be interesting.

    REV - I was surprised and happy to see them getting at F2P. They look strong lately, pulling good numbers with good quality.

    AF - I guess it's the same feeling as Rev, was just as surprised to see them in F2P. From what I know they've been pulling a lot too and should have a good quality.

    SV - I haven't heard much from them lately, but seems like they're on a bad shape atm.

    PD - Haven't done P2P in a while so not sure how they been doing lately.

    DR - They got a lot of good guys in there, just wish to see them doing F2P aswell.


    2. It's really good to see old clans coming back to F2P. EoS used to give WL great fights back in the days and I'm looking forward to see how things will unfold.

    3. As I mentioned earlier, Olde was probably the best Leader I've had. I didn't get to know @Brian well, he led me for a couple months tops, so I can't really compare them. As for Olde, he always put members before anything, which was pretty admirable. He was really passionate & active, and spent a lot of time to make sure everything was gonna go well. When Brian decided to pull the plug, I could be wrong but I don't think it was because DI was doing bad, but because he just didn't want to keep going anymore. The clan world wasn't ideal, but we were doing fine and personally I feel like we could have kept going for a good while.

    4. At first we were just looking for the lockdown really, but turned out people were having fun and wanted to keep going. As for our future, personally I'd love to see even more old schools coming back, more brazilian/portuguese clanners giving us a shot & new blood on the clan. There are a lot of brazilians that play the game and never really gave clanning a shot, so that would be interesting to see.

    5. I think the clan world got better on the last couple months mostly due to old clanners getting back at it, but still would be great to see a new influx of people. A part from making the environment less toxic, I'm not really sure what could be done by that point though.

    6. I'd like to see clans like RSD, EH, SE, COR, TT and many others back honestly. Would be great to see more possibilities in terms of who to fight and activity in general.

    7. As for best clans I've dealt with, in OSRS probably Downfall and Forsaken. Was just easy to set things up and get everything going. As for worst clans, 100% Arroz because they would just make everything harder thinking everytime I PM'd them I had a mastermind 300 IQ plan to snake them and Divine Forces when @true was Leader, just a pain in the ass.

    8. No clue honestly

    9. If I can include clans that I've been a part of as favorite clans, should be WL, Exotic, DI and Downfall. WL & Exotic because I was just so much into the communities and I loved the fights, DI because was a completely different experience from what I was used to and Downfall because I loved Clan Wars and the community was really fun. Least favorites probably HA & Arroz.

    10. Not sure if I could name one as the best, but there are people that definitely stand out like The End, Ffs M8 and Giggle.

    11. Bball is my m8, still talk to him occasionally. When we were staff in DI he was also pretty good in general, sometimes he just would wake up grumpy though lmfao.

    18 hours ago, Crest227 said:

    As someone who witnessed the Sog vs Wl beef first hand and was involved in it(Seu Polaco used to invite me to the fights), why do you think that Wl endured the test of time while clans like Sog, Tcl and MMA didn’t? What was the difference maker, who was that person throughout the years to keep the clan alive and guide it through all the different transitions Rs has went through, while everyone else folded?




    That's honestly a great question. I think it wouldn't be fair to give all the credits to one single person, but I guess we were always just too stubborn to give up in general. Whenever we faced a slump or a bad situation, we wouldn't throw in the towel because from our perspective we had too much to lose. There were fights where we were getting smoked by TCL, for example, but we simply wouldn't give up. Specially in RS2, the motivation everyone had was simply extraordinary. Don't really know where all that energy/motivation came from though.

    18 hours ago, The End said:

    Country clans were often exempt from the multi-clanning rule most clans had. Did you have a lot of WL pre-EOC also in international clans? I do remember a lot of Exotic in OSRS were in Downfall. Did you feel having members in international clans was more a strength or hinderance? 


    Although it is in the minority, I believe you currently do have some members in other clans (e.g. GEOIDE in VR and @Digg / digeoM in Deathrow).  My question for you is: how do you prevent conflict from interests occurring? For instance, sensitive WL information getting leaked to other clans with shareds, or a scenario where you run into the rival clan in the wilderness (e.g. you're out P2P Pking and run into Deathrow)?

    Back in RS2 we definitely had a good amount of people that were in WL and in main clans at the same time. For the big majority of time it was a strength, because it made us have good relationships with most of clans. At specific points it became a hinderance, when it involved crash wars where we were neutral.

    Nowadays we don't have many shareds, but we just do our best to make sure they separate things. We can't really control what someone will say on their PMs, so this ends up being about trust. As for running into DR in the wilderness, we usually just say hi to each other and keep going, don't think we've had a problem.

    16 hours ago, Eric`` said:

    Have any of you ever played a game called Aika


    16 hours ago, Applerune said:

    The Brazilians were always such good dudes. You guys got a bad reputation but I never once had an issue with the Brazilians and we had so many good ones in COR. Nothing but respect!

    Hey Code, hope you're doing well buddy

    16 hours ago, true said:

    in your opinion, who are the most popular Brazilian clanners of all time?

    That's actually an interesting question. I guess the same logic applies to RS2 & OSRS, and in general I guess the most popular were always people that were in big CWA teams. Before that era, there were obviously people that stood out because of leading a clan on a successful way. Filz, Moskah, Vitor, Armorhelmet, Naaman, Joacas, Rmd, Decceiver, Slipknot 14, Mataoumorre, Aiorya, Seu Polaco, Durateen and many more.

    14 hours ago, VirgoVaca said:

    What was your relationship like with other Latinx country clans? Did you ever interact with clans like The Moon Clan before? Was there beef or camaraderie?

    Personally, never interacted much with latin clans other than setting up fights. Don't think there was any beef though.

    3 hours ago, adam said:

    Why were Hell Army better?



    Never lolza


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  3. 18 hours ago, true said:

    What is your dream officials lineup of Brazilian/PT officials?

    What were your initial thoughts on Tempest when we opened? How do you view us in current day?

    Who is the best Leader you've been led by? What about them made them a great leader?

    What are the strengths and weaknesses of your current officials team?

    D96 -
    Nathan - 
    Matheus - 
    King Obina -
    Ndo -
    Rmd - 

    1. Vitor, Filz, Wagnerafael, Angelin, MrLolz, Obina, Lemaster, Leeo. There are definitely more people that are just as good as the ones I pointed though, we had a lot of good officials in brazil & portugal over the years.


    2. I honestly thought you guys wouldn't last long. Obviously your opening still recent, but by now I can see more room for you to grow and you guys definitely improved a lot in a short period of time.


    3. Probably Olde Nite. In all honesty, he was just really passionate about the clan and always put members interests first. Even working mad hours, he seemed like he was always available and he spent countless hours brainstorming about how to improve & solving issues, sometimes not even sleeping at all. I can't say I agreed with every decision he made, but he was always willing to talk about whatever was the matter being as transparent as he could. He definitely didn't lead DI on it's prime days, but the circumstances weren't the best and he definitely did the best he could, which I respect a lot.


    Nathan - He's very experienced, and funnily enough the first person to lead both WL & TCL. He's great with the clan management in general, tech, GFX, decision making and he's also a sick caller.

    Matheus - He's been in WL for a long time, so he knows how the clan operate. He's usually our guy to solve whatever internal issue, from organization to talking to members.

    King Obina - He's also very experienced and his personality is just so easy to work with. He's always down to help on whatever we need & always gives his input.

    Ndo - He just joined our staff team, so it'll be interesting to see what he'll bring to the table mid/long term, but he's a very chill guy and seems to always be willing to help aswell. He been carrying our P2P unit.

    Rmd - Just like the rest of our team, he's had plenty of experience. He usually brings a different perspective to the table and helps a lot on strategic decisions/communication with other clans.


    About weaknesses, I guess we all share the same problem, which is time. No one in our staff team is a kid anymore, so real life will always come first.

    18 hours ago, The End said:

    There was a period in OSRS after a large loss streak in CWA (something like 6-7 losses), WL followed up that with an impressive win streak of 9 or so wins against some tough opponents in a small period with basically a fight every day. What do you think contributed most to the big turnaround? 


    Currently, it appears WL do not enjoy CWA events. Why do you think that is, and what can change member's perspective on CWA fights?

    That loss streak was tough, but I can't say it was unexpected really, specially with most of our men being 10+ years away from the game. Even since RS2 WL was never really into Clan Wars, so emphasizing the importance of CWA to our old schools & trying to make them actually come to these fights was a challenge. We were pulling 40s even to random CWA fights by then, so we had to drop 10+ people every single fight, which made people who never liked CWA even more demotivated. Slowly but surely though, everyone eventually understood the reasons we were fighting in Plateau (glitch with classic map walls etc) and started adapting. Once our mindset went towards the right direction, the rest was natural.


    I'm sure we got a considerable amount of people that actually enjoy Clan Wars, but I guess most of our old schools don't feel the same nostalgy as fighting in wilderness. In PvP everyone can fight and there's more room for mistake (one 1-hit won't cost you the fight), which also allows more casual players to fight without major concerns. It's completely possible to have CWA fights with our memberbase, we probably just would have to teach it to some of our old schools that didn't give it a shot/recently came back. If CWA teams & more clans were into it, probably would be something that'd help.

    18 hours ago, Howl said:

    If you could change one thing about the current clan world, what would it be?

    Toxicity. I think this is what truly repels non-clanners to get into the clan world. If the environment was less toxic, without doxing, DDoSing etc. the rest would probably happen naturally.

    18 hours ago, Eric`` said:

    Do any of you know where Justicero is?

    No clue buddy ? I remember him though

    18 hours ago, VirgoVaca said:

    Thoughts on the following clans in RS2:

    Monochromatic Brazil

    Hell Army


    The Call of Legends


    MB - They had good quality, did a lot of CWA etc. but always stood in the shadow of HA.

    HA - Their quality was never the best, but I can respect what they've build from a shitty situation. On their peak, they were strong.  I wasn't a fan tho because of doxing etc.

    MMA - Probably the most honorable clan on the luso-brazilian scene for the last couple years. They didn't really stand out on their results, but they were level headed in general.

    TCL - Our biggest rival by far. Always gave us good fights and held really high quality on their peak.

    17 hours ago, The End said:

    @D96 @Vitor


    As officials in the new DI -- do you feel you use a lot of the skills you picked up there in leading Wilderland today? 

    I learned a lot in DI, but I guess it was mostly about the game, specially because I was a F2P bot before I joined, so learning P2P, taking part on DMM etc. was really fun. As for the staff side, I obviously learned a lot too, but I feel like it wasn't such a game changer as it was for my in-game experience. Definitely have used everything I learned and been useful though.

    17 hours ago, The End said:

    When do you guys plan to rescue Slyfer from Arroz like you did to @Leeo?

    Still waiting for the boy Slyfer

  4. 5 hours ago, King_Obina said:

    No memories since I was not there, I and half of TCL's core members like Aiorya, Skinny, Bigbig, Spawn1, Victor, Uk_Rei, Leofontes and some others had left after the takeover.
    Some of us were in TT with @Flukejiver <3, and some had just quit the game LOL. But hey, congratz on your big win I guess?

    Wow so much salt from TCL!!!

    3 hours ago, E140 said:

    Questions for @D96


    What was your feeling when you landed in the biggest bait ever in our crash war, D96?


     And, how did your members react when they heard that you were so easily deceived by one Arroz Member? ?


    This day was funny. I obviously felt stupid at first, but then everyone started laughing and people didn't really care. It was interesting because even falling for the bait, we still killed 8-9 people on that clump while you killed 10 or so, and that's Arroz's biggest achievement on their entire history, no meme. Maybe our men would have reacted on a different way if we were in Arroz shoes atm (keeping doxers in, pulling 23 to week preps, 5 men pulls to crash trips etc) but since that's not our case (pulling 76 men on a thursday, 3+ actual PvP fights a week etc) I'd say we're gucci

    2 hours ago, The End said:

    Were any one of you at this fight where all the Lithuanian and Brazilian clans combined to face off in a Lithuania vs. Brazil huge wilderness war? If so, how did you manage to get all the Brazilian clans to combine forces for this fight? What are your thoughts/memories of this fight? Thanks to @Pjz for providing the vids.



    I'm pretty sure I made one of those, but just as most stuff from 15 years ago I don't remember much really. @Horn should be able to give more details.

    15 hours ago, Gochance1 said:

    Hello guys, thanks for doing this!


    Most amount of sets lost in a fight? Throughout whole rs career.


    Thoughts on arroz? Are there any ranks or members of arroz you guys are cool with?


    Best fight ever and worst fight ever? why?







    Probably the last cluster before EoC, something like 100 corrupted sets in 6.5 hours. Funnily enough been on way longer fights, but I usually didn't die as much.


    On their shoes I'd just call it a day and become a PvM oriented clan. That's where they came from, those are their roots, and it's clearly not working for them in PvP. Personally I was always good friends with Slyfer, and there's definitely more people in there that I should be fine with.


    Best fight ever is a good question. I'll say a WL vs. TCL back from 2010 where we both pulled 240ish opts and had similar endings, being my first fight as Pk Leader in WL. As for worst fight ever probably some of the WL vs. HA when fighting outnumbered, getting crashed and being DDoS'd.

    • Like 1
  5. 2 hours ago, true said:

    For D96:

    What are your thoughts on Ben/H0tgun as Leader? Could you tell us about your experience in TR?

    Could you rank all of the callers DI had when you were there?

    Who are your favorite callers to have led with?

    If you had to beat the crap out of either Lemaster or King Obina, who would you pick?

    1. I think deep down Ben is a good guy, but he's unstable and big hothead. The core of TR was made of good people in general and I had a few friends in there, like Southampton etc. Back in 2018 TR was having good pulls & performances which made it fun. For the last time I was there this year I didn't really have a good time.

    2. It was basically me, Paul, Joko, Ben (Hooah/Edgeville) and Zaza. Honestly our calling line-up was pretty good imo, but Paul/Joko stood out at first.

    3. Filz, Vitor, Jared and Paul.

    4. 100% @Lemaster, @King_Obina is way too good guy for that

    2 hours ago, Howl said:

    This is a dumb question, but I assume you call fights in Portuguese?


    Have you ever had to decline someone's application because their Portuguese wasn't good enough?


    How would you compare your time in WL with time in other clans?

    1. Yup

    2. We declined a few people because of language, but they weren't really brazilians/portuguese lmao

    3. WL was definitely a big part of my youth, so being at it is really nostalgic for me. I guess as for other clans I've been a part of, main focus would just be the fights for me.

    2 hours ago, The End said:

    An Arroz member gave the below rundown of why Arroz was beefing with WL in OSRS around when WL opened (this quote is from early July). Is any of this accurate/true or just a biased tale?


    "Basically wilderland decided to reopen weeks ago and Arroz leader did let some of their members come to our events to loot/ac/etc... Everything was okay between the two clans and one of the Arroz official actually talked with Diogo about a future alliance between the two clans to be sick in both servers P2p/f2p and he said he was going to think about it but never actually happened... Tl;Dr in a wilderness fight between rot vs foe wilderland was there and decided to trash talk towards Arroz and did a small doxing spam about our leader and that's how it started and... Diogo decided to put spys in Arroz after doing that to see our reaction live in their discord and they had sick laughs about it... I mean Diogo said he just wanted to have fun, some sick action and good laughs and not taking this anything srsly but that didn't happen at all... He actually took this very srsly already doing snaky shit aka using his spys to leave cc versus death row when we lost to em 2-1, brainwashing some of our ex members that left us for em, etc... Last tl;dr he said that wilderland was going to close after quarantine was over in his country and that he's doing this just for action and nothing more but the truth is... He was lying all the time to the leader of Arroz lol"

    Biased tale honestly. I did receive a PM from Lond (I think he was Council or something by then) talking about the possibility of uniting both clans etc. but by that point beef was already going on and it was obviously not happening. I don't know how those looting trips were because I wasn't involved yet, but from what I heard from people I trust, the WL men killed a ex-SoG member that was fighting for Arroz or something and spammed some banter, but definitely wasn't nothing too hard. We started to look for spies when they crashed our first official event as it's obvious, but I never really looked for any kind of beef with them. The plan at first was to come back casually and pretty much have fun during the lockdown, but turned out the boys wanted to keep going. The truth about how this "crash war" really started is after they crashed our 2 first fights, I went to their Leader's PM and tried to solve any kind of conflicts, which he said we were good and that they weren't looking for a crash war, just healthy rivalry. On that same day they crashed our fight vs. Corruption (it was their reunion trip). Couple months later they had members doxing us, and when stuff was about to get really toxic, their New Power shareds decided to leave to not take part on this and they asked for a truce.

    2 hours ago, Pietru said:

    Why do you pile me so much?


    Have you ever had spies from international clans who could speak your language  join WL?


    @D96 what is your opinion on my boy Kevin/Toets


    Was interesting read really, never really knew much about BR/PT clans back then apart from the fact that I always quickprayed range against them for some weird reason back then



    1. Probably cus you mage buddy

    2. Not that I'm aware of

    3. Love the boy Kevin

    2 hours ago, Flukejiver said:

    thanks for doing this AMA guys!

    What do you think are strengths/weaknesses of WL?

    Np bro ? 

    I guess being a country clan can be both good & bad. We are always the first place old brazilian/portuguese clanners will look if they're considering coming back to the game, which is pretty good. At the same time, we get somehow limited on new recruiting sources.

    2 hours ago, Flukejiver said:

    what are your opinions on my boys King Obina and BigBig OK?!?!? Love those guys!

    They're both owners

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  6. 11 minutes ago, Makarov said:

    what was the worst fight you had to attend in WL?

    what was your favorite fight being in OSRS?

    1. That's a really good question honestly, there's none that comes to mind. I truly can't remember a fight that went catastrophic. 

    2. If that relates only to WL, I have two that comes to mind: the first time we beat Pandemic in CWA was pretty fun, and in PvP the last time we fought RoT was also really good from our end. I'd say that Arroz uncapped fight but it was pretty lame watching them running back to greaters every time. There were also 2 fights vs. TR that went uncapped and lasted 3-4 hours, those were fun.

    10 minutes ago, The End said:

    There is a rumor that is been floating around that the leader of Arroz hired a prostitute and had her role play as @D96 and even branded her forehead with "D96". Then some obscene acts were caught on video and dozens of pictures and video clips were distributed across the interwebs. 


    Is there any validity to these rumors? If so, how did it make you feel @D96 that a rival leader would go to such extents? 

    He actually did it LMFAO, I was honestly speechless when I saw it. I don't even know what to say to a guy that thinks about me while he's having sex, guess we beat them too hard. He should also look for a psychiatrist.

  7. 56 minutes ago, The End said:

    Several New Power members used to be in Arroz, but broke apart from them and some like @Dig Din ended up joining WL. Can you comment more on why that rift happened, and how former Arroz members are finding Wilderland?

    So far, just one of the New Power boys officially joined, which is InVictor. Other than him, my boy @Dig Din, @Makarov and Suri made intro's and came to a couple fights. I guess they can speak for themselves, but the feedback we got from them so far is great. I honestly have nothing against any Arroz/ex-Arroz member that have not taken part into doxing, and those are all welcome to try Wilderland out. We're definitely a way more structured clan, with a solid staff, good callers and experience.

    48 minutes ago, VirgoVaca said:

    You said in your introduction that currently Wilderland is comprised of members from many different Brazilian clans over time. Do you think there is drama or conflict between former rivals? Are there cliques? How do you manage that drama, if there is any?

    Some people obviously hold grudges, but those aren't involved in WL. The only former rivals that joined are people who don't really care about stuff that happened 10 years ago anymore and just wanna have some fun in the game. With that being said, I honestly don't think we've had any kind of serious conflict between former rivals.

    44 minutes ago, true said:

    For @D96


    Tell me about your time in UBH. I thought it was hilarious when you brought it up recently as I don't recall you being a member, but I would love to know what your thoughts were on the clan and what you enjoyed about it.

    I can't say I remember much bro lmfao, I was really young. I'm pretty sure I stayed there for a few months while I was still in Hell Soldiers. Just like Vitor and Horn, everytime I joined a main clan would be purely to have extra action and practice, but prioritizing WL over anything.

    26 minutes ago, true said:

    Who is the worst official in WL history?

    We've had a few baddies through our history lmfao, but I guess @Horn will also confirm that it was G8u7, the kid was a Warlord and legit never called/scheduled a single fight in months.

  8. 46 minutes ago, true said:

    Do you feel like Brazilians were "looked down upon" by the main clan scene? If so, did that bother you?

    Tell me about WL's last fight before EOC (WL vs TCL + HA + MB)

    Who are WL's main rivals of all time? Which rivals do you respect the least?

    What are your thoughts on current day Arroz? Do you think they're a good clan? Who do you respect the most?

    Who is the best leader in WL history? The best caller?

    1. Main clans always underestimated brazilian clans, but personally I never got bothered since we were always having fun in our "own clan world". We legit had more brazilian clans than main clans now, so it was like a parallel universe.


    2. This one was particularly good lmfao, we had like 60 on TS to fight TCL, HA & MB, which probably had 100+ combined. They all started on their own TeamSpeaks and piles. 2 hours in the fight you could see HA & MB on the same pile with "Monocromatic Army" on their auto-typer, and an hour later TCL joined them, their merge became "THM". After 6.5 hours of smoke we still had 70 on TS and they stopped returning. @King_Obina any memories? ##


    3. I'd say TCL, SoG, CvC, HA and MMA. I wasn't a part of all those rivalries, but personally got great respect for TCL/SoG/MMA. HA had their peaks, but in general I just couldn't relate to them, specially because they would rather resort to out of game tactics/take the game IRL than losing a fight.


    4. It was impressive seeing how an open CC was able to put up a 8 hours fight against us, even if we were still rusty and filled of low levels. Despite that, they're as dirty as a clan can get. Their staff can't control their members and they honestly got no structure. They got doxers and people who will do dirty stuff and even if their staff act like they care, they won't do anything about it.


    5. The most famous leader in WL history definitely is Slipknot 14, but I wasn't around back then so I can't say much. From the people I was led by, Wagnerafael definitely stood out. As for callers, we've had great ones through our history, I'd say Filz, Vitor, Ro Arid, Etsvaldo, Oultlaw, Macacox, Luchinot and Angelin definitely left their marks.

    43 minutes ago, Ssj said:

    Who are the top 3 brazilian tanks of all time?

    Hard question, but if that includes portuguese men aswell I'll say 3 names that comes to mind in RS2 & OSRS. For RS2, Felipe Prieb, Oultlaw and Moskah, OSRS I'd say Filz, Vitor and Lemaster.

    43 minutes ago, Patrick said:

    rank all the Brazilian clans all time

    A lot of different eras, but I'll try to sum it up regardless


    1. Wilderland

    2. The Call of Legends

    3. Swords of Glory

    4. Cavaleiros Cinzentos

    5. Metal Massive Attack

    6. Hell Army


    There were also many other clans smaller clans like MB, TBK, WSD, AA, DE, GD etc but I never really followed them much


    42 minutes ago, Venenatis said:

    What was it like in the early days of WL and in first returning to osrs?

    How does the WL today compare to the WL of the past?

    Favorite rivalries?

    If you mean comparing RS2 to OSRS, my experience was completely different. I guess the main difference is that now we have a lot of former rivals with us, which made us stronger. We had a lot of ups and downs back in RS2, but comparing our results/pulls etc from OSRS to our last 2 years in RS2, we're definitely way more consistent by now. Returning to OSRS with the WL boys was really nostalgic and fun, was pretty funny seeing everyone having to learn the game again, talk about old stories and even writing a new one. My favorite rivalries definitely were WL vs TCL & WL vs HA.

    42 minutes ago, Yoda said:

    Where's ole Newtonville?  Heard from him?

    Never heard from him bro

    42 minutes ago, The End said:

    Which other country clans and international clans did you enjoy fighting most back in the day?


    What challenges did you face getting so many people back for OSRS in 2020?


    Is the current WL made up mostly up ex-WL or several others from other Brazilian clans?


    What do you like/dislike about the current clan world versus the past?

    1. A part from brazilian clans, I always enjoyed fighting Fools & NG back then, always great fights. As for main clans, anytime we fought a clan from the top 5 would be mad fun because we'd do a big prep and pull crazy numbers, like it was whenever we fought The Titans, Solace, VR, EOS etc.

    2. I guess the main challenges were having everyone to get used to forums again, training their accounts and teaching the box META, specially because back then everyone took fall ins and some people took a while to get used to it.

    3. The majority of our ML is definitely made of ex-WL, followed by a good amount of ex-TCLs. We still got a considerable number of members from HA/MMA/MB though.

    4. It's honestly hard to point something that's better nowadays, I guess what's been good is that F2P is popping again. It's also good to see so many old faces from old clans back to the game. What I miss about the old clan world was more clans around and longer fights.

  9. About Wilderland:


    Wilderland is a PvP based Country Clan for people that understand, write and speak portuguese.

    Wilderland was born on December 18th, 2003. Founded by Xera_O_Meu, Vai_Caga and Exp_Manoo with the objective of being the best Luso-Brazilian clan in RuneScape. The name Wilderland was created from Vai_Caga crazy metal bands.

    Wilderland first appeared in the brazilian community as an underated clan. At that time, CvC (Cavaleiros Cinzentos - Grey Knights) was the strongest brazilian clan on RuneScape, which changed in 2006, when in a full-out war WL+allies defeated CvC+allies, snatching the title as the best clan. After that WL hunted CvC on every opportunity leading their clan to crumble.

    With CvC closing, their previous allies, TLW and MMA (by then home to the ex-members of CvC) grew in numbers and became new rivals. TLW didn’t prove to be a strong opponent, while MMA had its strengths and proved to be a more difficult challenge. At this time, our legendary ex Leader, Slipknot 14, used to organize hits on MMA by PMing the infamous message to members “W8 edge bridge, crashing MMA, pvt off”. Every weekend WL members waited for this message because we knew it was going down.

    With time, WL became more and more dominant and this was proven on a major full out cluster organized by the brazilian community with all brazilian clans from that era. On that cluster, Wilderland stood victorious with 50 remaining members.

    Gaining ground on the clan world, the leadership decided to bring a catchy phrase to represent our dominance at the time which we still in use nowadays: "Wilderland Supremacy", representing our strength as one of the best country clans around.

    However, surfing on this steady growth wave, our allies Swords of Glory (SoG) grew unsatisfied, being the Robin from the Batman and feeling that they were never recognized in helping with our big wins. Therefore, SoG around the year of 2006-2007 broke the alliance and became our long lasting rival. On the 21st of October 2006, a big fight was scheduled and Wilderland managed to defeat SoG on a full out battle. After that, over several weekends both clans clashed and SoG did dominate in number of victories, but WL’s resiliance after losses proved to be our best assets, taking the finals wins before SoG decided to shut down their operations.

    Wilderland managed to remain untouchable on the number #1 spot until the end of 2010. By this time, TCL (formed by ex-SoG members) had grown a lot, and once again every other weekend both clans would clash on level 48 wilderness. This time, our former rivals were having again a great run, also with the help of some former WL members that became “haters” and started to crash every single WL fight. Wilderland had a rought time back in 2011, with both TCL and Hell Army (HS + RA merged clan) and even MMA managing to compete with WL.

    2012 was very different. TCL struggled with their own personal business and basically split up in two (TCL and CL). Hell Army stayed strong and MMA were basically closed, as the clan activity were also slumping hard. WL managed to recover from the last year and went back at full force on 2012, pulling constantly 50 man per battle and once again remaining the dominant clans on the brazilian/portuguese scenario after beating clans like The Titans and Solace.

    2013 has finally come and Evolution of Combat would change all the RuneScape we once knew. By this time, people scheduled "one last cruzade" between all the luso-brazilian clans that were still around: WL, TCL, HA and MB (Monocromatic Brazil). After 6 hours and 30 minutes of fight, WL was the last clan remaining on the wilderness, and RuneScape 2 ended with Wilderland remaining as the Kings of Brazil & Portugal. After a while trying to arrange fights on RuneScape 3 with EoC, WL decided to close our doors.

    7 years later, with many old members coming back to the game due to the pandemic, Wilderland opened it's doors once again in 2020. By this point, only one brazilian clan were still around: Arroz (literally "rice"). WL took it's time to train and level up their members, but after a month, WL managed to beat Arroz over and over again, including an 8 hours uncapped where we peaked at 84 people, and forced them into becoming a clan that do week preps to pull 23 men. Once again, the number #1 spot on the brazilian scenario belongs to Wilderland. We've had a surprisingly good run in OSRS, being able to pull 60s every single weekend for months, 75+ people to important fights etc. A lot of our former rivals from TCL joined us, which also gave us a lot of strength. Nowadays our memberbase should be split somehow like 60% ex-WLs, 30% ex-TCLs, 10% ex-HA/MMA/MB.




    Hey guys, how are you doing? I'm Diogo, but most of you should know me as D96 or Diogo96. I started playing RS back in 03 and started clanning in 05. I can't remember exactly what was my first clan, but my second one was Hell Soldiers, which I founded with Vander/Babydragon62. HS was a brazilian country clan and I was looking for more experience, so I also joined Anarchy. After a couple years I ended up leaving HS and that was when I first joined Wilderland, in 2007. By then, Fil3000 was Leader and our rivalry with Swords of Glory was popping. I was really young by that point so I don’t remember much, but I ended up leaving a few months later to rejoin HS. By early 09 Hell Soldiers merged with another brazilian clan called Rising Army, giving birth to Hell Army. I stayed there for 6 months or so until I realized they weren’t really what I was looking for, so I rejoined WL and stayed there until we closed in 2013.


    When I got back for good in 2009 we were on a really good shape, with recent wins vs. clans like EH, COR, EOS and more. As you might remember, brazilian beef was always lit in RS2, so by that point we were the undisputed best luso-brazilian clan, and probably the best country clan aswell. Since then, a lot happened and for the next couple years we had a lot of competition with The Call of Legends for the luso-brazilian belt, with both clans having ups and downs, but always putting up good fights. It was really impressive seeing how both clans would raise their regular sunday pulls from 50s to 100s to fight each other. A part from all the brazilian beef, we had some sick fights with EOS, VR, DF, TT, Solace, Genesis, Fools, NG, Cheer Up etc. I got promoted to General in 2010 and Co-Leader & Leader in late 2012. When EoC came we tried to keep going and even in OSRS for the first month, but that didn’t work because people weren’t really down to train their accounts all over again so we called it a day.


    Personally, it was really nostalgic to me seeing OSRS being released so I quickly trained up again, even without most of my bros. I had stints in Bearz/Dynasty and founded Exotic alongside with MrLolz and Break in 2014. Exotic was pretty fun because it was the first time we actually had a lot of former rivals on the same clan, fighting together and sharing the same community. I also joined Downfall around 2016 and stayed there for a year, which was pretty fun at first. I left Downfall to join DI in 2017 before ya boy Brian pulled the plug, where I eventually became Warlord, and it was definitely my best clanning experience. In OSRS I was also a big CWA nerd with Spartans, Silent Ember etc. After DI closed I had a brief stint in Rev & AF, but I didn’t think I’d ever come back to actively clanning until the lockdown happened and a lot of old school kids from WL wanted to give it another shot.


    This is already way longer than what I first had in mind but ye, guess that sums it up. Will be interesting to see the questions you guys have, ask me anything ?




    Hey guys, I'm Vitor. I joined Wilderland back in 2007/08, after a small brazilian clan that I was in closed. We all ended up joining either WL or SoG, which were basically the top brazilian clans at that time. I was pretty clueless when I joined WL, but I was still able to be a part of some fun big battles we had. One of the fights that stood out was against EoS, which was a fight that would move us up on the RAW ladder, and another one was a WL vs SoG full out fight that was the tiebreaker for the #1 luso-brazilian clan spot, and WL ended up wining with 150~ opts left.


    A couple months after I joined, I got promoted to Event Coordinator (LOL), which later on everyone agreed to be an useless rank, so I was moved to General, which was basically Pk Leader. A funny thing is that I used to share my account with my brother, and at some point I decided it was time to have my own account, so even without an acc I was still fighting for WL in any spare I could get my hands on for a good while.


    Around 2009 WL decided to open a junior clan to bring new blood to the brazilian scene, and I led it for a while. In a way it was tough teaching noobs everything about warring and convincing them how losing money can be fun, but even with all obstacles I’d say my time in there was pretty succesful since we had a lot of guys from these days that ended up becoming core members, some of them which are still with us in 2020. I spent most of my time in Wilderland as General, focusing on making sure our events went well. Later on I got promoted to Co-Leader, but that didn’t last long as I got really demotivated with the arrival of EoC, where I stepped down and remained active as an Immortal for as long as the clan lasted.


    As for my clan history a part of WL, in RS2 I had brief stints in a few “top clans” which I ended up being removed or leaving because I'd always prioritize WL over anything else, and that wouldn't work with those clans, so after all I was only in WL and Collision, which at that point was a smaller clan and would allow me to prioritize WL. In OSRS I was Leader of Exotic (another brazilian clan) and I was also in Downfall, which were both great clans to be apart of. When Exotic closed I got kinda demotivated from the game so I decided to take a few months off, leaving Downfall. After a while clanless working on my max cape, with Diogo annoying me every single day I ended up joining Damage Inc, which I became Council and stayed until the closure.


    I’d say that despite our ups and downs, I was always loyal to WL over anything. I saw good old friends leaving to rival clans, I witnessed our biggest slumps and I was also a part of our biggest successes. With the pandemic, we reopened our doors in OSRS and since then I took part as Co-Leader until a couple months ago, where I stepped down due to lack of time. I guess our biggest challenge was to have everyone on the same page as for the new METAs, training up their accounts, and pretty much teaching everything again. All in all it was pretty fun, and I’m still around as an Immortal coming to fights whenever I can.  




    Hello everyone,


    My RuneScape in-game name was Horn4, more commonly known as Horn. I started on RS Classic and got recruited to Wilderland on April 2004 by a school colleague. I became, if not mistaken, the 7th member of the clan. I did take part on other clans to see how it was (Demonic Empire, TRWF and Rune Raiders) all while still being Wilderland and always giving priority to WL’s events over anything.
    In 2007, I was promoted to Warlord but my stint was short (1 year) due to real life commitments. When you stepped down from council-like jobs and you had contributed plenty to WL, the clan would award you the Immortal mask, reserved to founders and really important clan figures due to a plethora of reasons (something like the HoF on the NBA). Therefore, since 2008 I've been an Immortal in WL.


    I quit the game back in 2009, but remained loyal and active on weekends, specially when we fought other brazilian rivals. I’m almost sure I never missed a fight against our brazilian rivals.


    From 2009 onward I was mostly known to have participated on our Sniping Unit, called “Stronda” until pre-Eoc when, like most of us, I quit the game for good.


    I came back to OSRS on this weird year and together with other WL old schools, decided to reopen the clan.


    On OSRS, I’ve had a short stint as Co-Leader and my main task was to help the integration between newcomers (old rivals and even long-time crashers) with old WL members that still had grudges against these people. I believe I have done my job well and the clan nowadays has a tight and respectful community. Nowadays I still join the clan battles when I’m available.

  10. 7 hours ago, Wee Man said:

    You cut out the part where I camped you for 3 easy loot piles until the fight ended, now for posting this topic I'll camp you every time I see your name pop up on my screen. Even if you were account sharing you have condemned this man to live his RS life at spawn.

    what u mean i switched accs again after that death l00000l

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