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13 Goofball

About Matthew

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  1. working the corner
  2. congrats
  3. The only country I would consider that I visited is Cuba. I have been to the United States but like crossing the boarder just doesn't feel right lol
  4. nice cash stack
  5. 1 more level!
  6. very nice!
  7. Looked like you guys slapped Don't appreciate @Gochance1 piling me though 😞
  8. VR Exo or Poison
  9. @Tika191 @zq50 notably. Patrick (Too) and I always got a long as well. The whole spastic squad of SE basically.
  10. Matthew

    Jebrim AMA

    If Ted Cruz asked you to marry him, would you say yes?
  11. Depends on the bagel. Most of the time either only butter or strawberry jam
  12. big gains
  13. We have a veggie garden
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