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Bunny Guest
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Everything posted by Matrix

  1. Guardians of the Galaxy movies are some of the better ones
  2. I just remember him sniping a divine from me
  3. Probably. I dont think I expected to be playing now but here I am I'll be the fucking boomer complaining about the kids on my lawn Runescape
  4. Matrix

    Worst 5 states

    JUST 5? Florida Texas Alabama Kentucky Louisiana If I'm being honest though, the entire Bible Belt is a shithole Special mention is I got robbed in Nebraska on my way through from Canada to California. Fucking flyover states are shitholes too. Also the Midwest Basically only the West and East coast are actual good states
  5. Welcome. Name seems familiar
  6. Played the beta like the entire time it was out, a lot. like 20-30 hrs total. Had a love/hate relationship with it, was my first CoD since like 2018 or some shit. The overclocked SBMM kinda ruins it for me. I would have one really good game then get shit on. It's not fun being inconsistent So IDK if I'll get it
  7. Played the beta. Hated all the dumb changes Haven't kept up with any changes since beta. Unless they address some of the old stuff that used to be around that they changed, I probably won't buy
  8. Probably saw how many things were between 70-74.99% that failed in the past lol
  9. Matrix

    im back

    Say "im back" again, I dare you, I double dare you motherfucker, say "im back" one more goddamn time! Grats
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