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Everything posted by Dox17

  1. this kinda shit when ur 10-12 is sick what u mean
  2. pokemon was my life in gradeschool. pokemon snap and pokemon stadium were lifechanging magic the gathering - a relative gave me a bunch of cards that smelled like cigarettes when I was like 10. dope artwork on the cards but never learned how to actually use them yug i oh came out after i'd grown out of that shit
  3. tried gator a few times, its alright squid is ok
  4. RoT Jared Blazinq CT Christy CT Lovelost all really cringe callers
  5. i believe the word you're looking for is Portuguese
  6. GF tempest SV pulling 30 l00000000000l
  7. Foyboy most of CT's ranks towards the end
  8. whats your fav type of cheese
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