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Everything posted by Stewie

  1. I can get by without a community, I'm not too sociable a person, aslong as I have confidence in the ranks and the direction of the clan I'm prepared to be commited. Overall though, for the majority of other members in clans, a solid community is a must.
  2. What has been your favorite travel destination / experience? Ypres in Belgium, lots and lots fo history as it was one of the largest scale battles in WW1. Very nice town too. What's a place you'd like to visit at some point? I'd love to go to Guadacanal and see first hand the sort of things US troops experienced against the Japanese etc.
  3. Dex on Ironman with @Wee Man whos shit and always dies at Vasa btw and his mate who has to accept brews off a lower level ironman at Olm and still dies btw
  4. Stewie

    Gokuu Ssj AMA

    Did Envy exceed your expectations as a clan by the time you closed it? Did you acheive all you set out to do? Why didn't you delegate leadership and take a step back as a leader instead of closing? To maybe a founder rank or similar, there were likely others who could've / would've taken up the reigns. Was it a lack of confidence in the staff? Or something else? I mean Envy was peaking and looking to continue growing
  5. whatever is on top of pornhubs most watched videos since there wont be any women around
  6. yeah it's fun been doing it on IM every now and again but quite hard wiuthout rigour/augury/99def (was doing it at 78 def l0l)
  7. Literally the worst step in the wP diary is this, how on earth could you go for completion grats tho
  8. Absolutely hate it, been working in IT since I was 19, loved it back then but then realized it's a totally undervalued and underpaid job here in the UK where you are forced to continually re-educate yourself over and over for no more pay, purely to adapt to the market and changing systems etc. If I could get out of it I would but I'm at a level where going to a different profession would be kinda dumb. I've done IT in factories, for service companies, training companies, etc. etc. You learn a lot about business, which I suppose is good, but a lot of politics in big companies, hate it
  9. 255kg deadlift was an insane feeling, considering i have a slipped disc, 215k squat too was some buzz, still well below my goals but just overcoming the injury that plagued me for years and years was something else man ill never forget it
  10. Stewie

    99 Mage

    99 Mage on the old Ironman
  11. Yeah I shared this in discord a few days ago, probs shoulda made a post.
  12. 186 kc jesus you've been spooned. Very nice pet to get mate one of the worst to go for, good getting it out the way that early.
  13. Stewie


    almost done now
  14. I feel you brotha, never forget.
  15. Stewie


    You've ruined my dinner
  16. Raids 3 in the wilderness as an open world environment where teams competed against each other in pvm and pking would resolve both the pvm and pvp situation in the game. And oh yeah, where the fuck is raids 3
  17. Stewie


    What in the actual fuck did i just read
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