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Everything posted by Stewie

  1. You use invetory tags, the actual fuck btw you disgust me rekt
  2. Can't stand the 100 metres tbh, most boring event at the Olympics
  3. Lance turning out to be a traitor in GTA Vice City, never selt so betrayed in all my life, after everything we'd been through...
  4. Gah i mean yeah you're right, pet and mutagen is very lucky tbh, but i think im jsut thinking in terms of wanting the 2 fangs and serp and the time it took to see all 3 uniquely, I just wanted to leave asap because i used over 500 ppots and like 6k food here getting them haha which for ironman is just ridiculous
  5. lol yeha could do man it's easy
  6. It's 1/128 for a unique and i got 6 onyxs 😞 I don't call it good rng tbh, think im still due like 1 item according to drop rates.
  7. After getting 5 onyxs b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b2b then a dupe Serp, this morning I finally finished fucking shitty piece of shit boss absolute dogshit hate this game Zulrah on the Ironman after a Magic Fang and Tanz fang drop less than 20 kills apart. Here's all bar like 30 kills of the loot
  8. Gimp Catcher Running round RS killing midgets for anal Beads was fantastic fun
  9. very fuckin nice man
  10. insane man one of he best pets in the game
  11. Stewie

    poo RNG

    very nice man thats a lot of arcanes
  12. 2 accounts, 2 zulrah pets - still no fucking blowpipe or magic fang though
  13. The amount of tick eating and redemption prayer usage is just mad, check out the Sotoseg, Xarpus and Versik P2 fights in the video, he misses 1 tick eat or redeption, account is over basically. Yeah the gear he used was also just crazy, Whip, Mystic and Guthans lol.
  14. Anyone else see this from AColdOne? Absolute unreal achievement, easily up there with xZacts 40 cmb Inferno in my opinion.
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