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Everything posted by Stewie

  1. Game really opens up for you after maxing man, any plans? I went right into PvMing and wish I'd left maxing for another time after grinding out a few bosses.
  2. Gf, made the last like 10 minutes, looks like we did well, good job
  3. That collection log is ridiculous, Gz man
  4. I'm so proud of you, my little baby is all grown up ????????
  5. Stewie


    God you're still not maxed yet wtf
  6. Stewie

    Dat ass

    Pretty shit hot bud well done man
  7. That's insane man, reall decent kc for all those items too - you've made absolute bank at CoX haha, best item ive had in my name is Dex and best ive seen is x3 DHCB's
  8. Yeah well fuck doing massive raids for drops, 2 man split (42m ea). Literally a 5 room raid 3 deaths at Olm cos he just jadded the utter shit out of us with mage and range hits. Good day of raids for me - 2 man dex, 3 man ancestral bottoms, now 2 man kodai.
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