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Everything posted by Lavigne

  1. True 2k8 - Doesn't even know what clan he's in most days.
  2. Lavigne

    Jebrim AMA

    How did you end up finding us at the games room, is 420 your home world?
  3. Thanks to you Scu's never going to be ranked Rider in this clan now. I hope you're proud of yourslef.
  4. Lavigne

    Jebrim AMA

    Lmao you're a mate for doing this. What runelink elo did both of you finish on in the end? How long have you played RuneScape and how did you get into the game - what keeps you playing?
  5. Overall F2P 1) AF 2) Rev/Temp 3) WL/Vitality/WildMight 4) PD 5) Dynasty 6) SV 7) Poison 8. NI 9) VR Teams don't count, but country clans do.
  6. Pink - you're fucked.
  7. Worst crash attempt in the history of this game. ROT have more impact spamming ::bank on mids lol.
  8. Virtually every MMORPG marketed as the next big thing. Bless is probably the worst offender. I could never go back to WoW because it's taken a direction that doesn't suit me and I've outgrown Final Fantasy, but literally nothing good has come to replace either and the genre is dying due to lack of innovation. Lost Ark is proving to be hyped in the West because it's one of the few Korean MMOs the west is actually getting access to since BDO, but it's also about 7 years old and at it's core, plays like EVERY other Korean MMO, this one's just different as better combat but really not a single tab target RPG has come out since FF14. The Asian offerings have been so bad that even people paid to play their betas on stream have been like "fuck this I can't take anymore this is so trash" Suicide Squad was just a cacophony of cringe. I'm a huge marvel fan and an even bigger DC fan, and my girlfriend at the time begged me to have a movie night with her to watch Suicide Squad as I hadn't had time to see it yet and I was just really bored, I was like "man our previous movies were ant man 1 and spiderman homecoming, and this piece of shit is tonight's offering?"
  9. Cmon no-one can be blamed for that I'm sure you can understand.
  10. New age? I probably started RS before you were born lol. There's people here that clanned with me over 15 years ago. The only reason I know who you are is because of Tukuruk.
  11. It's a valuable trophy case and one I can actually sell for money, and half of it's hidden like you actually needed to go out of your way to view it. Yours on the other hand - Ex-Dynasty Leader, Ex Leader of a bunch of clans I've never heard of and some trash pure clan. As if Dynasty didn't have minimal credibility already lol.
  12. When the fuck will Hamilton be stopped?
  13. I don't make excuses when I leak. I own it. I don't list my history in a signature like a trophy, it goes in a bio where it belongs. Do go on.
  14. Imagine still posting on forums where you just get continuously clowned. It's almost sad.
  15. To be fair people who put their clan with every rank they had in their clan in their forum signature are just natural spastics in any case.
  16. https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1014421943?t=2h30m19s time stamp is 2:30:19 if the link doesn't work - it's the last series in the vod. We played our week one matches today and finished 3-0 3-1 but the 3-0 was a slaughter against a rly low seed so not worth mentioning and we kinda threw a game by having me switch from Red Mage to Summoner which is a coin toss to play. YT vod version:
  17. Fak can't get the embed to work
  18. Community and ability to play games other than RS but enough to keep members outside of specific cliques involved. Like in EOS we played virtually anything other than RS but I was always welcome to join a channel for any game and just get involved and it was the same in VR. Like VR has been dogshit for over a decade as a clan devoid of literally slightest slither of quality but people be wilding if they try to say VR doesn't have one of the best communities in the game. There's a reason why long-term VR never actually manage to leave despite wanting to actually you know, win stuff, because they realise they'd rather have community and VR probs has one of the best ones, even though I don't think it's ever going to compare to 2007-2010 VR community which was a fun era to be in that clan. Same with DF really, they do fuck all now except p2p PK really but people still enjoy being there cos it's friendly and the community is good. Exodus was on it's arse by the time RS2 ended but I never left because I really liked the people there and for me and anyone who knows my history, that's rare, the community won't save you if I wanna actually take PvP seriously (it wouldn't now which is just as well cos tempest fucking sucks) but ye TLDR - community. clan being good especially in 2021 means fuck off if it's devoid of atmosphere. Even though ironically everyone in this clan probably knows me by now, but I'm one of the people you don't really ever see much in Discord or TS predominantly because I'm playing other games lol (but the community here is solid and I wouldn't have joined without it)
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