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Everything posted by Lavigne

  1. Hello pinoy friend. I remember Kurimao.
  2. Private Server Unit & GMT unit in 2007/2008. Chivalry Legions (original)
  3. This was the closest I came to dying all night.
  4. Revo. The British Elite or Wilderness Guardians. (at their primes)
  5. Lavigne


    Get ya tits out then.
  6. It's JP servers so almost everyone is Japanese with a few Aussies. It's a three-team map. Two teams fought over a point and our leader had some genius idea to hide behind the rocks, because they cant see us on the map. As soon as the two teams clashed for the point we ran in and crashed the fight. Blue team (Immortal Flames) ran but loads for picked off, Yellows (Twin Adders) attacked us thinking blues would help but didn't, then we turned around and picked off who we could. Kills/objectives give points so we won control of the map from that plan. If we tried to fight both at the same time we'd have probably lost.
  7. In the less creepy way possible, I wish this game had a lower average age. Kids on MMORPGs behave more like adults than adults do and there's some real shitheads in this game.
  8. https://www.twitch.tv/videos/883394695
  9. I think KC will be too much for the Buccs overall and the Buccs are going to fall off massively cos of big cap hit and basically going all in to force a superbowl. However I think Brady is going to win the Quarterback matchup.
  10. Zombie knives are a bit more personal init.
  11. Knowing key player and Dragon General Craigberry11 is still permanently AFK campaigning for Erika's bid for Miss Lithuania, Fuckin lol. Also clean f2p fights? It's more likely than you think!
  12. You're not allowed to pile Cera, the rule is if you do you have to spam mophead or the kill doesn't count.
  13. I'm still in touch with Lee. Good guy. The only clan to ever decline me pre-EOC at the earliest application stage. Havoc or FEAR
  14. Who fucking sucks and why is it ROT/SV?
  15. Yo where is your allah akbar now?
  16. Me being dumb enough to call a pile on Dubbel Drank whilst he's sniping. Dragonwood
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