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Everything posted by Lavigne

  1. Hoi Midas. Mijn broer right here. Can drive through snow. Likes weed. Shit at drinking. Have proof.
  2. Tbh for ages I legit thought you and DavidDamage were the same person. Til I heard DavidDamage call in Martians and then you call in a different team ?
  3. I just got DDoSed, not dissed ? When people did pop off at my blackness, they were usually pretty creative and I'd be ashamed of myself if my sense of humor was so bad that I couldn't see that sukh calling me a malteaser head and the shit Lfc2004 & Yeucks used to come up with in VR was some of the funniest fucking things I've heard in my life.
  4. Well the issue is perception. Some clans were dominant in both PKRI/full out era, but full out era was a very, very long time ago and loads of people on these boards won't have even experienced it. Pretty much any clan dominant after fast returning in F2P shouldn't count lol. For me the strongest clans were the ones that were strong either in a particular scene/area for a long period of time, or niche; or in the era they come from. A lot of the clans I ranked by many metrics would be no-where near the top, but for what I'm calling them to be one of the best for it makes sense. Except for AF because that's P2P and they were always meme in F2P, but I cba splitting the two, there aren't a lot of clans from the the last decade and a half that were actually good at both.
  5. I wish I did too after 16, and I lasted, until I ended up buying 19, 20 and 21.
  6. Most normal games will roll you back if this shit happens. But this ain't a normal run game. Also yeah, Jagex perm banning, or locking an account that will never have a successful unlock request even from orig owner sounds like exactly something Jagex would do. Their stance has always been "Go fuck yourself, it's your fault." when imo the time taken to build these accounts and the damage can be done is way more than in almost any other game I've played.
  7. I preordered it but not installed it yet cos apparently it's rly bad, someone please confirm and save me the bandwidth and then I can tell all my leagues to fuck off and find a new steelers/giants player.
  8. Lmfao these spams are full kekw. Glad you had fun guys.
  9. Yeah we didn't have most of that shit back when I did it, even the dungeoneering shit wasn't out back then. Just had good old guthans and dart tribrid with like kbow/crystal bow (until crossbows came out and gd bolts were plentiful) and SGS lol.
  10. Lavigne

    AMA - Mat K

    Thanks for answering the prev questions! Big insight into you, seem like a genuine bloke honestly. But I think Jagex always had a penchant for recruiting devs and mouthpieces that really cared about the players, not every MMO has this. Also as an FF fan and speaking of MMOs, did you ever play FF14:ARR?
  11. Didn't know you could get a pet seer's ring. Jokes aside wish I still remembered how to solo DKs. When OSRS came back out I'd totally forgotten, even though theoretically you didn't solo DKs back then, just rex or prime I think.
  12. America isn't a real country anyway.
  13. No particular order: TT, VR, DI, ZF, RSD, EH, FOOLS, ROT, AF, Downfall, CL. Some notes To think there was a time when AF dominated ROT in P2P every night, almost unthinkable. Downfall were by far one of the best mid-size clans of all time. Tfw Ronin bullied Poison into the ground, and then Downfall bullied Ronin. Literally having your clan fisted by a bunch of autistic yanks going REEEE on TS. But they were also very good when they wanted to be, because they were so active by default they just improved. The best mid-sized clan of all time however, was probably Shadow Elves. CL were the best Oceanic clan in the history of the game. AA was nothing in comparison and I mean... Edward5010 as a Leader lol. Only Dark Slayers could compete with CL and they didn't stand the test of time. The problem with ranking Solace is Solace was essentially a superclan. I don't really feel they had an identity they'd collected scraps of all the dead clan's best clanners. When you have something like that of course you're going to be one of the best man for man. RoT are similar, there are very few homegrown extremely good RoT members, most of them are the best members from other clans that either died, or they jumped ship because they wanted to play at a higher level.
  14. RSD - I joined there twice but it was the wrong time of my life to be in RSD, I was in boarding school which meant playing late at night, being reliable for preps and maintaining P2P was very tricky. Ancient Fury - Most of my vitality mates were also AF and I guess it is a bit shit I never got to properly clan with all of them, only the DI guys.
  15. Lavigne


    Ye bb. And nah footlong was cheezy (dick pic, ye I know I wanna forget that ever happened too). James as in Jr Knight, at least I think that was James.
  16. Problem was I was in most of them. I would have to say Eternal Honor and Shadow Elves stood out to me as attractive clans that I never got to be a part of. The original The Rising looked like fun too but I never actually joined any GMT clans despite being European. I was in WG's junior clan for a bit but WG at their peak looked good too. Also a lot of my friends from school used to be in Brotherhood of the Gods, which they always spoke positively of and I missed out and that as I was a bit underlevelled compared to them. Most of them moved onto TDM or Hostile/Awaken->VR. But I went to Exercitum instead because I used to watch Mossel61's warring vids.
  17. Large images in spoiler.
  18. Lavigne


    Ello sunshine. Are you still in touch with James, Jon (Footlong) and Marianne?
  19. Lavigne

    AMA - Mat K

    Think these are the only questions left unanswered. But been great to read some of the other answers - thanks. Like Ash, you were one of the few that actually looked like you cared.
  20. Lavigne

    AMA - Mat K

    I second the footy team question. Are you able to name any of your pre-EOC clans during your time in clanning? Were most of them RSOF clans? What is the biggest headache the clanning world has caused you? Other than anything involving ROT or AF. Which clans from the RS2 era were you most fond of, if you followed any at the top? How much influence did Andrew have on content updates after the Gowers no longer held a controlling stake in the business? Speaking of Andrew, what's he even up to these days?
  21. This was peak F2P, back when you could tank around walls to block melee. Also the thing I always pref'd about cor over the other clans I was in was spamming name instead of clan+name. Idk why it just looked and felt better to do. F2P is a joke now with p2p hopping, pots, tablets etc. It was ok when we just had canoes but that was it. Ye we've had Gds teles for well over a decade, but almost no-one had the level to use it so it was fairly balanced because levelling magic was a bitch legit. Unless you had crazy money to blow on bursting at MM tunnels. But yeah, CoR were never nearly as good as they should have been. They had good callers, numbers and in-fight organisation but their decision making and running of the clan wasn't the best compared to their competition. There was never a real concrete plan set in place when we PKed it was like "Ye lets hunt EH forgetting VR and RSD are out too and will absolutely rail us if they find us." Member dedication to PKRIs was also questionable, but they were good in prepped fights. By pre-BH standards a bit. But not really, they were just very aggressive. If they could hijack the early stages of a fight they would which by most honor standards was flat out crashing. Everyone mostly played by etiquette except ROT, NI TSC, Infliction when they opened and a few others.
  22. Hey, I actually do a lot. I work in journalism, but currently i'm back and forth between full time and contracted project work only. This is most of my travelling. I run two businesses in the UK (which are also established in Italy and Spain). One is a members only snooker club, our UK branch opened last month. The other is construction which is predominantly in the UK. However we do landscaping and planning work on a contract basis for other organisations where they will pay us to survey and do a plan, but not to do do the work. Our work is extremely good, but we don't operate outside of UK/Italy and its uneconomical for us to do projects abroad without having a base there. I am in charge of leading those projects as my Dad who started the businesses has a criminal record and naturally as a result, cannot get visas easily into countries like Australia and the US. I am also a translator for the UK MOD although only really do assignments twice a year tops, was more frequently before I decided to do other things. I "live" in England though in terms of home because if not I'd be back and forth from Italy too much. Previously I did minor aspects of the above fields of work but also worked for British Airways as a Communications Executive. Did something dumb last year and got fired, fortunately I don't work for money, I work because I enjoy it and because I've had spells where I've done nothing but party and play games for months on end, it gets boring and depressing fast yet people think thats a dream scenario. Also I can't edit my main post, but previous RSNs (as my Lavigne tag started in OSRS) were Born2kill 92 (early, id say up until I joined VR in like 2007-2008), 0utlaw of PK (whilst in VR) and then Pixie187401 (from like EoS onwards, pre name change era). I bought the Wonder Woman name like 2-3 years ago, cant remember what I paid though but I think it was extremely cheap (paid in OSRS GP) even though gp was like $2.5-3-1M. Tiffany/Onedawoman has asked to buy it loads but no dice. I was Liam29 in my first spell in DI an extremely long time ago, but flew relatively under the radar since I never showed up to a single MB trip and was removed for pretty much doing nothing except mindlessly hitting people regardless if they were di or not in fights and looting and banking lol.
  23. That's good man, RS players for the most part grew up together, although granted average ages were a bit higher in EH and RSD lol, but yeah, it's always still good to see the same people around over a decade later.
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