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Bunny Guest
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Everything posted by inf`

  1. inf`

    Elite series

    1. Band of Brothers 2. Oz 3. Casa season 1 4. Game of Thrones 5. Scrubs/That 70s Show Punisher, The Last Kingdom, Dexter and The Wire get an honourable mention.
  2. Banger from early to late
  3. Fucking hate cherry tomatoes but enjoy any dish with (sundried) tomato
  4. As the topic title states. Me being fully sober for far too long
  5. inf`

    Guess What?

    Think everyone knew you were a witch already tbh
  6. Nah, think further away with all the discovered exo planets or atmospheres somewhat similar to ours
  7. Imagine the endless possibilities of odd creatures in space that can live under other circumstances Wonder if there's been any hypothethical research in regards to that
  8. People who say abbrevations letter by letter are bent as hell
  9. Species such as these crazy fuckers https://www.businessinsider.nl/scientists-captured-video-of-a-rare-squid-with-tentacles-as-long-as-a-human/
  10. Let's hope there are great discoveries made before we perish. Whether it's proper exoplanets or unknown life on the bottom of the ocean
  11. inf`

    Srs business

    Did they use this arrow to point at it or
  12. you're green to everyone on runescape gtfo 90 combat n00b
  13. this topic is by far worse than any that I've made and mine been utter garbage
  14. Nice getting it on a server that will be deleted in a month
  15. Welcome aboard pal We join when True declares a crashwar on df
  16. Preparing certain things the same way or it feels 'off'. No wait, that's borderline autistic but let's call it superstition.
  17. As said on Discord. Makes sense somewhat as my right thoughts did not come up to question (EU-influence, refugees etc) since I generally lean quite right. Edit: am Dutch
  18. I have been presented some evidence or context to the matter that some can indeed have a black eye. The person who has sent me said evidence remains anonymous and does not want to be OUTed.
  19. Serious topic where I will welcome every serious reply.
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