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Go Leafs

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11 Goofball

About Go Leafs

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  1. Those drops together....Huge gratz
  2. beyond control although dont know either lol Shadow Elves or Collision?
  3. Good to see u here man, we didn't get along much in Adelais but i'm glad you got positive memories of that experience
  4. Same name, similar origin story. NANI?
  5. Wasn't around to see it but the 60's Celtics led by Bill Russell deserve a mention here
  6. i actually play this game (still new - lvl 50 WHM) and i have no idea what im looking at
  7. This is a great exercise if you feel your lower back tighten up (i h8 WFH): I embedded a certain part which is the lying extension (exercise #3 in the vid).
  8. Been working 4 years in the accounting field and no i dont like it. Hopefully this year I break into the web dev sector of my bank...
  9. i would tell my forefather 'pass this message on to your kid and i dont care if it means nothing right now--> buy every bitcoin you can when it is $1 and hodl till 50k' - the future me of that timeline would be chilling
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