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Everything posted by Adrian

  1. Money and Bunda Rip Member 2020-2021 gone but never forgotten
  2. I got told I was negative for covid 19 but positive for several STI's which is a dub i guess
  3. Been inactive as shit lately due to work but hope you've all have had an amazing Christmas so far. Let's see if the year ends or the Nazi Zombie theme song plays GL Pce Adrian or ADY lets run it. PS keep this guy away
  4. Kk if I was to blow your back out would you let me? ps gf wilderland
  5. Adrian

    This or That

    Mage delete this topic or nobody else replies to this topic?
  6. Adrian

    Anotha one

    Huge victim pipe down
  7. 'hola puta' cba @N FOREST3 LOOOOL Gf
  8. Why is it so hard to kill someone with 43 defence?
  9. Adrian


    I will sacrifice my own life for you sir ?
  10. Adrian


    Beautiful explanation ❤️
  11. Adrian


    God knows lad but I hate my voice loool
  12. Adrian


    Bit of a random topic but run it up. So I've recently been thinking about this right call me crazy but record yourself saying anything into a video and listen back to it and tell me if you hate the fact that you sound like a completely different person. Previously I thought I sound quite alright until I then heard myself talk through a video and never ever been so depressed in my life. Did some research - n the way our body is laid out, our mouth is pretty close to our ears, but we hear our own voice through our bone. Other people hear it through the air. Bone and air have very different densities, so the sound is filtered differently — it's simple physics. Like I said call me crazy or whatever but try this and let me know how you feel.?
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