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Everything posted by TooWhite4You

  1. I just piss in the water filter to save money.
  2. So pissed we've been playing an unbalanced game all these years. Good work jagex!
  3. Idk about completely wiping the main game, but maybe a few dedicated servers that reset every year or two(similar to dmm).
  4. I don't think riot is as incompetent as jagex. Think of all the recent stuff with crashing worlds with max players and duping billions of gp. Letting every major pvp tourny get ddossed. Allowing a jmod to be a part of rot (lmfao?) whist knowing and never taking action until he fucked off to Argentina. I dont play any riot games really, so if riot had any crazy stories like jagex i'd be interested to hear it.
  5. when we would have small man units and there were only 8 guys in the channel and "oh shit big brain is showing up" dropped in the ts were you scouting on multiple accounts with us without saying anything or just chillen
  6. ty joko loved you ty for taking a shit before you shit one everone ❤️ was quite courteous!
  7. god damnit i hate those things....
  8. My question is... You were always the behind the scenes guy, and you controlled everything single handedly until you gave the order then someone executed. How difficult was it to actually keep track of everything during a fight? You had to manage mass pokes, constantly dying, manage fight locations, people leaving early/looting, crashers, and ultimately communicating with callers/allies through several platforms. How often did things get mixed up where something different occurred than planned? Was there any best/worst case where someone missed a cue or took it in their own hands and something unexpected happened. If possible do both iterations of di i guess many of these problems wouldve been more of an issue in the mid rs2 di era considering numbers and the style of fights.
  9. nice job super strong now...gl on the kos
  10. favorite all time would be halo 2
  11. only thing i know about cars is click it or ticket. oh and sometimes you put some gas in
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