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Everything posted by TooWhite4You

  1. couldn't figure out fog so you made a 1v1 tourny...nice
  2. I didn't know this beforehand but when I looked up the drop rate (1/500) plucking the chompys also count as a pet roll so the average time is just a few hours tbh
  3. I never really remember my dreams in detail after a few hours to a day or two depending on how intense they are. But my dreams can range from amazing stuff such as flying like a bird to literal nightmares of being chased by people with weapons while being unable to run. Probably the most intense one I can remember was flying through a city and suddenly just falling with no hope. Woke up before hitting the ground sweating bullets with my adrenaline pumping 100%.
  4. gratz i cant bring myself to do this cancer yet
  5. looks interesting gratz on a huge amount of loot
  6. i still havnt had that one, gratz
  7. yeah I believe. When I was around 12 years old a friend and I were walking home from playing basketball since it was getting dark. We both saw this thing just sitting there in the sky not moving and out of nowhere it just zooms behind this house so we chased it around the corner to keep looking but it was gone. We never saw it again nor had any explanation of what it was.
  8. wow those are insane loots
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