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Everything posted by Brian

  1. Why are you even quoting me?
  2. Wait now I remember you, that brain dead rot slave from 2015 that I got kicked from AC lol
  3. Christmas box here is a few free drinks in your local pub if you've been a good customer
  4. I actually remember the day pretty well, cause I had an exam that day lol Actually had prior knowledge of this update coming and posted a topic warning people the day before would possibly be the last wilderness fight ever: http://www.di-rs.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=51195&hl= If memory serves me right we absolutely obliterated RoT in like 20 mins flat
  5. Brian

    im back

  6. Ye it's no contest tbf gorilla all day long
  7. I've never seen a pint of Guinness mixed with anything other than blackcurrant in 30+ years of going to pubs
  8. Guess I'll add another ring
  9. Welcome to the forums
  10. Depends on the situation, but mostly beer.
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