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Bunny Guest
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Everything posted by Scumpr

  1. Scumpr

    Redwood Gang

    grats, i'm big jealous!
  2. Congrats! I'm on the 2.2k total grind now
  3. All these people actually thinking food and missing the dirty intent behind this topic...
  4. If only yall saw how much @Boxerpupand i talk on snapchat.... @True 2k8 would be proud
  5. I'm gonna fuck your pillow
  6. Do you pee in the shower? Are you a pool pee-er? Do you do the high dive?
  7. Winston pees on @Carolina in the shower
  8. Do you prefer cheese or no cheese with your scrambled eggs? Does pineapple belong on pizza? Favorite pasta dish?
  9. Would you have voted trump or biden? if choosing, Hillary Clinton or Trump? Creamy or crunchy peanut butter?
  10. Who were your top 3 favorite "Spastics" in DI? Same question, but for tempest? Have you ever had ketchup chips? What is your favorite car?
  11. I'll be sure to laugh at your total level too.
  12. Grats! This is on my list to complete for sure
  13. Why Does Danex deserve all the clowns in Discord?
  14. Heard a rumor one time that it was a rule to not pray overheads in 1v1 at say... Mage bank for example. Was this actually a rule at one point in DI? What is your favorite beer? Have you traveled much in real life? What is your proudest moment in both RL and RS?
  15. Scumpr

    Mining boi

    Grats! Jealous of that pet for sure.
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