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Everything posted by Scumpr

  1. I would choose smell provided my taste stayed in tact. Feel like I could go the easiest through life without this. What about you?
  2. Grats! i am doing fishing rn too.
  3. I heard @Carolina Eats Ass...... Not sure if that helps in this discussion or not.
  4. Scumpr


    Tinted my windows so dark, sunglasses aren't needed anymore
  5. Welcome to the forums! Around here, @Steikas is considered a god.
  6. Damn, look an active Tempon telling you grats in the cc! Grats!!! what's next?
  7. You have no idea how badly i hoped this was a topic about BA and you being busy IRL lol
  8. Who would win, EST TS Unit or GMT Discord Unit?
  9. GMTers will do anything to get ahead nowadays. Photoshopped.
  10. that's dope man, Grats
  11. Who do you think the most toxic duo is? I vote Frank/True
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