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Everything posted by King_Obina

  1. Why not pass the leadership to some else instead of closing DI? What do you think would have happened, if DI had not closed and just endured through the gigantic sea of shit jagex (and clans themselves) put against multi pking/clanning environment?
  2. This guy is actually funny, good stuff.
  3. Eddie Murphy is still doing stuff ? I can only find old material LOL Also from the Brits the only one I know is Ricky Gervais, cause of the office and then Netflix shows.
  4. Rafinha and Thiago are good Whinderson is just embarrassing
  5. Who are your favorite Comedians if you have any? I myself am a big fan of Bill Burr and Jim Jefferies, also used to like Louis CK before he became a sex offender and vanish LOL. I like Bill and Jim mostly because of the edgy jokes, tapping on matters like feminism and racism with class, like this:
  6. If you had to bring one friend back to the game, who would you choose?
  7. I will reply on this, one of our councils had a spy on Wilderland's junior clan, NL. They shared the TeamSpeak for events, so he went there and added every single member he could from Wilderland on TS. When he switched over, he saw Wagner was SumaaInperi (yeah I remember the fuckers name), and we kicked him. We were searching for that spy for a long time, like months, they had our locs, TS Leaks and access to the member boards for quite a while... Just dumb luck tbh, if he delayed like a couple of weeks, or if Wagner used another account in our TS we would have been doomed.
  8. Yeah 2010, and Wagner was WL's leader... we almost shat the bed real good.
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