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Old School
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Everything posted by Nanne30

  1. no goals, just enjoy the game. im done grinding haha. Only playing ocasionally now, tempy events only or once every couple of weeks
  2. i only use tempy forums
  3. Do you visit any forums RS related besides tempy website like sharkbrew and such? Why do you consider RS forums are no longer popular like RSC was (before @Wee Man leaked the ips). Rune wiki does not count haha
  4. fun times when TRWF was around, fun clan to fight.
  5. i believe ppl that picked biden are trolling
  6. Nanne30


    what is that minigame?
  7. wheel of name sucks donkey dick! id let the elfs suck on the good stuff
  8. Nanne30

    95 Mining

    gtz bro! mining sucks so bad, why are you doing this to yourself?
  9. tbh only clans that would fight us are ROT and Deathrow, rest dont even exist now-a-days. VR can attempt but when was the last time they actually faught us 1v1 haha
  10. Nanne30

    Have you?

    You guys should learn how to swim what the fuck.
  11. Nanne30

    Have you?

    Have you ever had a close to death experience?
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