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Old School
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Everything posted by Frankventura

  1. Ace Ventura: Pet Detective, obvious ahaha
  2. Doin it the old fashioned way ahaha Gratz
  3. Thats a really nice one to have, gratz pal!
  4. You can do it David ma boy!
  5. 2many 99 RCers for a single day ahahaha. Gratz! One day it will be me, still 94
  6. Ahaha nice bait! 99 farming is also good but waaaaaaaay more afkable
  7. My deepest regret, I kinda know the first one but if I get it wrong I wouldnt mind idk, neither my death. But would love to see everything I accomplished until i'm in my 50's
  8. Finally someone who understands my grind. I do 1kc each day. Got 3 armour seeds already 😄 Also got pet @leagues kc 14 Nice rotten tomato ahaha
  9. If I decide to post mine you will learn that I never tried like 90% of them ahaha
  10. I have alot of projects as a part of my job and I love it. Most of them are for unemployed and its really good that looking into a covid work crisis, most people here are working and happy at their jobs.
  11. I used to workout before pandemic started, now I dont know how to be healthy or fit anymore ahaha. GL guys
  12. Runescape Name (Don't post if login name) Frankventura Preferred Name Frank Current Clan Vacant Previous Clan History This is loooong, but: Pre-eoc: SoG, TCL, Team Portugal OSRS: Exotic, Divine Forces, WL Who do you know in Tempest TL,DR; Everyone who was DF back in 2016/7 Are you interested in joining? Interested to keep in touch with this community to start with Brief Introduction Hello guys, I'm Frank, from the same city as José Mourinho and most of my runescape history was clanning and community. Im staff of the portuguese community (RSPT), a community that is running since like 2002 (idk cant precise). Most people here remember me back from Divine Forces and/or knowning that there was a pmod spamming during wars. Nowadays I have a really busy life irl but I'm trying to enjoy all the moments I get left playing runescape and here I am.
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