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Old School
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Everything posted by Robin

  1. Piss on it and wait for the person who built it to start crying, find them, then piss on them
  2. A pilsner like stella or some form of cheap domestic pisswater
  3. We sat for about 5 hours doing corp not long after it came out, I left to go to bed cause it was about 5am and like 1 hour later they got ely and @Teemo got the boys to keep me a share. I'm sure I've had bigger nice things done for me, maybe non-rs related but this stands out cause it was considerate af and I always appreciated it.
  4. I'm very boring these days, I've had a bottle of Buckfast in the fridge since Christmas and not touched it. It talks to me sometimes. These days I might have a single malt whiskey at night sometimes but its pretty rare
  5. Robin

    do u smock weed

    Not often, Used to everyday but it made me lazy af. The Mrs smokes so I just have a puff or two from time to time depending what we are doing.
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