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How often do you do this? Which countries/cities are your favorite to visit?


Personally, I try to visit at least one new country a year and I also really enjoy road trips too. My favorite place I've traveled to so far is Dubai - very rich culture and incredible infrastructure. As for more local, I really like LA, the people are generally very kind. Plus, amazing weather compared to the cold winter weather that I'm used to.

Hoping to do an East Asian trip next year, I had intentions to do it this year but with the current COVID environment, I had to put that on a pause - maybe next year, my favorite place will change to Japan or Singapore ?


Edited by zoey


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I enjoyed my bali trips when i went!


 Chivalry Legions Elite - Ex-Chivalry Legions Council
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Yeh I'd like to visit every continent at some point and tick as many countries off my list as possible 

Been to alot of dif places in europe, italy like 3x now too

Also been to china and south africa

Got USA, south america and some more of asia on my to do list. Was hoping to visit 1 of these areas next year but will see if covid allows it

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Corruption Best Official - 2011

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Ya. Was supposed to get married in jamaica last may but covid lol. So next year going to alberta. Worst case can drive home in 25 hours if covid gets bad again lol

Not sure if you heard. I was leader of The BlacKnights.



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