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Runescape Name (Don't post if login name)
Rly Cringe

Preferred Name 

Current Clan
Final Ownage Elite
Kanini (Single Team)

Previous Clan History
Only gonna post clans I was member+ in order, did a bit of a clan hop stage when I was bored with the game 😛
Flamingos (Single Team)
Damage Inc.
Frontline (Single Team)
Apex (Pure Clan)


Who do you know in Tempest?
A lot of people really, off the top of my head:
@true @david @Nick @Gochance1 @Ashley @Sir Severed

@Mohd @Null
Are you interested in joining?
Not in the moment

Brief Introduction
My name is Rob, I'm from the US and I'm currently a student studying computer networking. Chose this curriculum because it had the most broad IT coverage at my school. I'm in my 2nd to last semester, then I plan on working towards networking certs. I've played Runescape really almost my entire life, pre-eoc I veng pked and hybridded at wests and edge hills. I've on and off played OSRS since about 2014, mostly doing clan wars which is where I know most people from in here, and single pking. Currently I'm pure clanning in FOE, and attending about 1 pk trip every 5 months in kanini xd. I spend most of my time on classic wow, where I raid 15/15 naxx40 on 2 characters every week. Boredom with other games has brought me back to OSRS, and I know a lot of people in here so I'm here to shitpost and banter around.


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6 minutes ago, Nick said:

Solid dude, welcome to the forums Robert

Hello thank you


6 minutes ago, Gochance1 said:

Hello sir, how you been?

good I've been geeking out on WOW and school


4 minutes ago, Ashley said:

Hey Rob good to see you! Didn’t know you were still playing

Only for about 6 months now


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