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Does the community make the clan?


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In a 2021 clan world where support for clans in the game upon which clan world is based is very little and many people have burned out of/left the clan world for various reasons and many others prefer to stay away from clanning, many people may question what exactly keeps clans together, especially those which have either been around for ages or are comprised of members that have been around the clan world for ages. 


What keeps clans together? Why do people stick around after so many years and in some cases, after attacks on their personal lives? 


I think the answer a lot of people would give would be the community. A lot of clans have life because people enjoying being there and around each other, and it attracts other people to come be part of it as well because it's an enjoyable place to be. Obviously that's not the entire reason since you can still largely be part of a community without being a full member of a clan, but it seems to be a big one.


So I guess my questions to bring to the discussion are:


Is the community a big selling point of clanning to you? Do you think you'd still be part of the clan world if you weren't a part of the community you're in now?

Is there any aspect of the clan you're in that you value more than or close to the same as the community?

What are some of the best communities you've been part of through your RS career (don't have to be pvp related)? 



Not actually in a clan myself currently but some of the longest friendships i've had are people I met ingame through pking and still talk to them to this day even if it's not very often. A lot of the people i've met here have been really nice too and I think it's unlikely I would've been drawn here in the first place if it weren't a good community. I also don't think i'd associate with any clans at all if there weren't any good communities out there because a lot of the rest of the aspects of clanning especially PvP clans aren't really as appealing as they were to me years ago largely because of some of the negative things that take place now. I can't think of too many communities i've been part of that didn't have something good about them or a few good people hanging around, although some were better than others.

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I think community means more now than it ever has.  Waaaay back when in my days with the Unknown  Bounty Hunter it didn't matter to much. It was just a bunch of kids playing a game they loved. Playing with like minded people was a plus but we were mostly going to play regardless. This means it doesn't matter the clan or community we were likely to careless as long as we had someone to play with. 


Today it's so huge. We all have lives and problems in our real life. I can't speak for others but for me this game and video games in general are an excape for me. 


I like the competitive nature of clanning and that's what brings/brought me here but I stay because the freaks here enhance my experience. The support, friendship, and camaraderie is the heart and sole of what makes this clan the best undisputed. We might lose we might win I don't care to to much about that. I care more about the experience, that's what matters to me. 

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Nowadays it's mandatory to have community within the clan pretty much;


You have literally nobody playing the game in some clan's cases and there is not as much action in F2P as there was in the golden days either

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Tempest Old School

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Is the community a big selling point of clanning to you? Do you think you'd still be part of the clan world if you weren't a part of the community you're in now?

Not only a big selling but the biggest point for me. Eventually I joined Corruption while being in Monochromatic Brazil (Lol), one of the weakest clans in the brazilian scene. But we had a community so friendly that even losing most of our fights it would be a pleasure to attend the events with such people. I rather stay clanless than being part of clan communities that don't share the same values as I do, not only in RuneScape. 


Is there any aspect of the clan you're in that you value more than or close to the same as the community?

Atm I'm not a part of any clan. But I agree 100% with everyone's saying on this. The competitive nature of clans tends to increase depending on how stronger their communities are. It kinda gives you the feeling that your fellas needs to be defended more aggressively precisely because you like them most.


What are some of the best communities you've been part of through your RS career (don't have to be pvp related)? 

I was a kid then and didn't even had the language skills necessary to enjoy their community enough, but CoR seemed very down to earth, easygoing, helpful. As said I had a blast in MB as well. Being part of Newland (WL's mini clan lmao) at a time we could pull 30 to 45ish was insane too, those kids were awesome and funny as hell. Apart from that Ascension had a very kind and welcoming community, one of the best I've had the chance to be part of. 

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I guess it depends what you consider a successful clan. I think a community is important for long-term longevity, but if we're speaking just in-game success, then I don't think it's necessary. I've been apart of clans who had little to no community and they did fine.

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7 minutes ago, Pope said:

I guess it depends what you consider a successful clan. I think a community is important for long-term longevity, but if we're speaking just in-game success, then I don't think it's necessary. I've been apart of clans who had little to no community and they did fine.



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