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The Rising AMA - Clugred, Des Troyer, Hscrusader07, Monkeyfbi135

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On 6/2/2021 at 6:51 AM, Tag said:

Thanks for doing the AMA. 


What are your thoughts on LPT compared to other GMT clans. 

I liked LPT. I don’t think we fought you guys very much at all and you seemed to stay out of a lot of the clan world drama. You never had the huge pulls that LF could sometimes get, but I always remember you having much better quality than they had.

23 hours ago, Secret Agent said:

Guess this qustion is mostly directed to @Monkey :


During my time in TR (around 2010), the clan was pretty much locked to doing fights in GMT and every time we had an uncapped fight or a run-in we would automatically lose because clans would just outlast us into EST, which forced TR into avoiding these fights and into doing a lot of capped fights and ending at a certain time which would instigate a flamewar on RSC and drama -- remember even a lot of clans would just ignore the timecap and outlast. Were there any plans or thoughts on stepping outside the GMT-timezone and venture into EST (if my memory serves me right I believe we had quite a large EST group at the time)




Why was Killertjuuh allowed to use his microphone at all -- especially to call during fights? Who was the deaf person that allowed him this?

There were always thoughts and plans to become more EST but none of them would work without removing a huge number of valued members. We also never had more than 30% EST members from 2009 onward (yes, this number was tracked), which I wouldn’t call a large EST unit.

As for Jeff’s calling, his actual calling skills were fine. If you had a problem with his voice or his accent, that’s on you.


21 hours ago, true said:

What country clans did you respect the most?

WL and TCL. It was interesting considering the hatred those two clans had for each other. 

20 hours ago, Frankventura said:

I used to fight you specially when I was at Swords of Glory and The Call of Legends and I did enjoy reminding all from reading this!

What are your thoughts on TCL?

Have you ever attended a Runefest?

What are your current goals on OSRS?

We got along really well with TCL and always enjoyed our fights with you guys. Regardless of how well either clan was doing, it always felt like we could come up with some sort of time compromise to set up a fight in order to make things fair.


I have never attended a Runefest and my only OSRS goal is to continue not playing the game 🙃

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20 hours ago, Clugred said:


Not really sure, one of the lithuanian clans, think it was LF, but not sure was a pretty nice clan, with some good members and of course RDC were always a good bunch from my recollection. 


So when I was at school there were several Claires and most of them had nicknames, I didn't, but my friends were always saying I should. Then first week of a new year and I was in an english lesson when a teacher made us introduce ourselves. I was nervous and said my first and last name very quickly and she heard it as Cluggins, so from then on that teacher always called me that and my friends caught on and adopted the nickname Clug for me. When I started playing on RS Clug was taken and as red is my favourite colour I just added it to the end. Simple. And yes @true I still remember what you said about it. 

what did @true say about ur rsn

Edited by Romeo






1 hour ago, Ssj said:

Any of you remember FireFly (scottish dude) from 09 TR?


Worst TR fight you've ever been a part of?

Yes, was good friends with him when he was active in TR, good lad.


I think the worst fight for a lot of ex-tr must of been one of our fights against NG. We had 60-70 people to their 100+ all in corrupted dragon armour shit. Did not go well 😅

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The Rising 2009 - 2020

Who were some smaller clans you respected the most?


Whats your favorite team cape?


If TR was not named The Rising, what do you think would have been a representative name for the clan?


Who in TR needed their ass kicked?


Thoughts on K12 Rising/Madz?


5 hours ago, Ssj said:

Any of you remember FireFly (scottish dude) from 09 TR?


Worst TR fight you've ever been a part of?

I know I'm not supposed to hijack this AMA...but I gotta tell you guys about the very first event I went to with TR.


We were scheduled to go against NG + RKOF in the afternoon. Things were fine at first, but then VR came out of nowhere and crashed the fight. NG + RKOF ended pretty quickly because of timezone differences and left us to fend off VR. This immediately put a damper on my first impression about being involved in the top clan scene. At that point, I thought that this might be the wild wild west where some top clans don't follow any rules and just crash whoever they want for legit no reason. Things got so bad that even ThaDanger called a pile on me just outside of GDZ (he didn't know me yet) while VR simultaneously piled me at the same time! I seriously asked myself, "What the hell did I just get myself into?"


I can laugh about it now, but that first fight was probably one of the worst fights I have ever been a part of - getting piled by 2 clans. Fortunately, there were plenty of great fights afterwards and I'm glad I didn't judge TR by my first event.

  • Haha 1
12 hours ago, Smooth Edge said:

Things got so bad that even ThaDanger called a pile on me just outside of GDZ (he didn't know me yet) while VR simultaneously piled me at the same time! I seriously asked myself, "What the hell did I just get myself into?"



It's ok @Gochance1 called a pile on me as well bro


Tempest Old School

~ Dear You ~





On 6/3/2021 at 8:33 PM, true said:

Who were some smaller clans you respected the most?


Whats your favorite team cape?


If TR was not named The Rising, what do you think would have been a representative name for the clan?


Who in TR needed their ass kicked?


Thoughts on K12 Rising/Madz?

Kind of hard to remember smaller clans. I liked Downfall a lot before they started crashing. WL and TCL were cool, although not that much smaller than us. Maybe Dragonwood

Favorite team cape was 28, since that was ours.


If TR hadn’t been The Rising, it should have been named No Surrender. Not because that’s a good clan name, but because The Rising is a Bruce Springsteen song and so is No Surrender. Gotta keep the pattern going.


Tbh I needed my ass kicked when I was in TR.


Madz was a weird kid. I think after he got declined for the 4th time, something broke in his brain and he was never the same. Legend has it that he wanders the wilderness to this day, still trying to find our fights so he can prove himself worthy.

On 6/4/2021 at 10:28 AM, Tika191 said:

Who were some of the most underrated TR members?


Who would be your top 5 TR members (no officials)



These questions are always hard because we had so many great members over the years, but the ones that come to mind are the most recent ones.


Just a few… Mihkelm, The Kiler655, Metsa Hirvi, Krosan4eva.


Top 5 members who weren’t officials is basically impossible to come up with because there were lots who tried being a mentor and didn’t like it or people who were trial PK leaders and didn’t pass the trial. If I had a full list of everyone who was ever in TR maybe I could do it, but that would be overkill.

23 hours ago, Vanuckle said:

What was the worst fight you can remember in TR's history? Who were some of the clans you really despised?

There are a few candidates for worst fight. We had unprepped fights against LDK which were bad because it was 30-40 vs 100. Our organization/quality was better but that only goes so far with numbers like those.


We also had an uncapped fight vs TMC where they decided to try to outlast us and we turned the tables and outlasted them (although really we had the upper hand for over 75% of that fight). It went at least 8 hours before they ended.


In terms of most depressing fight, probably during the CWA era (late 2008 or 2009 I think) when we pulled around 10 people to a fight. And I don’t mean a no prep fight at like 3 AM. This was at least a day prep, people just hated CWA.


As for most hated clans, maybe Exodus.

Edited by Monkey
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