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The Rising AMA - Clugred, Des Troyer, Hscrusader07, Monkeyfbi135

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@Des Troyer What are your thoughts, looking back, on the New Blood project we had after reopening TR in 2015? Do you think something like this would have been more successful during the 2007-2012 period? Were you guys ever thinking about creating a junior clan during your active leadership? 

Edited by Peter

The Rising 2009 - 2020

Sorry for being slow, I'll reply to more stuff later.


On 5/31/2021 at 10:08 PM, Adam_ said:

Is there anything that would interest you in reopening again or playing again?


If you played again but didn't want to reopen, what clan do you think you'd find yourselves in?


What do you think of the following clans?








What in your opinions are the worst/best changes the game has gone through from a pvp/clanning standpoint or just in general?


Do you wish you'd perhaps gotten TR more involved in p2p? How do you think it would have played out?


Nothing could bring me back at this point, even if my health situation were to continue improving. I'm of the view that there are vastly superior games/better things to do with one's time, as well as better and healthier places to be present in than what the clan world has become.


On 5/31/2021 at 10:08 PM, Justyn said:

What finally led you to close TR on osrs?


None of us would know, but from what I've heard, each of the officials still involved just wanted to finally move on from the game.


On 5/31/2021 at 10:08 PM, Venenatis said:

@Des Troyer

  1. What was your honest opinion of Vanguard?
  2. If you could go back in time would you make NB a clan?
  3. Were you seriously considering merging NB & VNG?



1. I believed Vanguard had the potential to progress in terms of warring, but that it would likely struggle with the culture of the clan world given that entering into it seemed to be the goal. That aside, Vanguard's community and values reminded me a lot of how clans were pre-2005, and I held it in high regard.


2.  I don't believe it would have been practical for me to do that with the way my health situation was, especially such things as not even having the energy to speak. I would say that it likely needed to be its own thing, though.  It was a throwback of sorts given that for most it was their first ever clan and people would even thoroughly enjoy such things as having CWA events vs PvM clans, or having small scale scraps in the FFA portal. Meanwhile, the PvM clans themselves were showing more interest in warring more frequently over time, too. It was beginning to look as though NB and such clans could have grown into its own, very different clan world, but I couldn't stick around to attempt to make this come to fruition.


3. Admittedly, I don't know where that came from, or at least I don't remember someone ever proposing this. If such a thing had happened, the communities would have matched well, at least. but I believe the wars would have been an issue, given that hardly any PvM clans were capable of pulling more than 20ish people, while I also have doubts as to how it would have coped once exposed to the ways of Zybez clans.



On 5/31/2021 at 10:09 PM, The End said:

Questions for everyone:


During your time in TR when did you feel the peak was and when was the low and why?


Do you still keep in touch with any TR currently?


Probably a toss up between late-2007, the second half of 2009, and 2011-2012. I think it depends on one's criteria.

Yup, even some people who I knew before they joined TR, so that's 14+ years of knowing them.  


On 5/31/2021 at 10:19 PM, VirgoVaca said:

When I was in 'The' Clan in 2011 I noticed some tension between the older 'The' members and officials and any mention of "The Rising". Could you explain what may have caused this scoffing and animosity?


Purely due to history and how it was seen as a betrayal of sorts for people to have ventured out of TA in order to become TR. In essence, we just wanted to play a game differently.  We never had any ill will towards TA, so the animosity was truly one sided.


On 5/31/2021 at 10:19 PM, Joe said:

What do you think stopped you from becoming one of the top top clans?


 I can't speak for everyone but you always seemed like a Tier 2 clan that couldn't really break into the top tier even after some huge pulls in PKRIs against the top clans you never really kept it up for long. 


Steve's answer matches my views and how I intended to reply. So, being GMT based, the timing, plus our values. 



On 6/1/2021 at 12:08 AM, true said:

@Des Troyer



Thoughts on HsCusader's departure? 

Even though he would return home in due course, I'll admit that it did hit hard, even if I did understand the reasons.


On 6/1/2021 at 12:42 AM, dnd5 said:

If you had to join a clan besides TR which clan would you join and what era? 

Probably TRWF in 2007.


On 6/1/2021 at 12:43 AM, true said:

@Des Troyer any regret reopening TR on OSRS?


Were you considering joining DF at all?

No, purely because I enjoyed the chance to reconnect with old names and am doing much better at keeping in contact with people now. 

Claire had great things to say about it in 2015, as did others, but no, not seriously. I wasn't intending on ever clanning, mostly due to not being capable as a result of the severity of fatigue with my condition at that time (even such things as maintaining an upright posture, maintaining an upright posture, as well as the cognitive effects of sensory overload were all an issue).


On 6/1/2021 at 12:54 AM, The End said:

@Des Troyer can you go into more detail about leaving 'The' to open TR in OSRS? Was it a calculated move to pick the same home world (314) as 'The' clan?

I joined 'The' for its opening in 2015 after Tweakn reassured me that it would be a low key, stress free thing with sans expectations. I knew nothing about the clan world and my assumptions were that 'The' would again be just as much a community clan as it were the past, so I was surprised when Cheezy soon announced that 'The' was to be warring based for the first time in its history. I enjoyed being there and tried my best, although it was still physically difficult for me to war. I also started encouraging a small group of TR that were still playing RS, to check out 'The', whilst others begun to express interest in returning to the game after x years. Some joined, while others weren't keen on being 'The'. This eventually led to the creation of a free version of zetaboards for ex-TR, just to hang out in with no intention beyond possibly having a few reunion events. When an increasing number of originals started dropping by after word got around, the inevitable reopening happened, for better or worse. The choice of home world came from a poll and was thus a coincidence.  

Edited by Des Troyer
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Hey @Monkey, nice to see you around! Genesis definitely had a turbulent history but was very glad to have you around for it, even if it wasn't your thing.


Hope you are doing well, I'll definitely be coming back to this topic with some questions later

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Guess this qustion is mostly directed to @Monkey :


During my time in TR (around 2010), the clan was pretty much locked to doing fights in GMT and every time we had an uncapped fight or a run-in we would automatically lose because clans would just outlast us into EST, which forced TR into avoiding these fights and into doing a lot of capped fights and ending at a certain time which would instigate a flamewar on RSC and drama -- remember even a lot of clans would just ignore the timecap and outlast. Were there any plans or thoughts on stepping outside the GMT-timezone and venture into EST (if my memory serves me right I believe we had quite a large EST group at the time)




Why was Killertjuuh allowed to use his microphone at all -- especially to call during fights? Who was the deaf person that allowed him this?

Edited by Secret Agent

Stopped by for this read for sure when I caught word that it was posted. I keep myself closed off from the RS community and have done so for almost 8 years now.  TR was by far the best clan I had ever had the privilege of becoming a member in. There was many good times, barely any drama, and some of the best gaming friendships between people were made to last.  When the word that TR was closing its doors it hit pretty hard, and when the last fight ended that was pretty much the nail in my coffin for Runescape.  I tried giving it a shot to go on by joining a couple other clans for a hot minute, but to be honest nothing felt the same after TR.  Thanks to those who put the time in to this thread to give some reminiscing thoughts and good reads, some of which I had forgotten about. Was a nice trip down some memory lanes.  Hope all is well with everyone. 

Edited by Heather
  • Like 3
21 hours ago, Gochance1 said:

Questions for all:


Favorite runescape fight and why?


Favorite runescape achievement?


Least favorite runescape fight and why?


When you guys started clanning was there anyone you guys looked up to? Who and why?


Was there any particular person either in TR or from an opposing clan you disliked? Who and why?

I don't have one specific fight as my favourite, I always enjoyed the fights. 


Favourite achievement.. Obviously the way The Rising hit the ground running and became such an awesome clan so quickly.

Although with osrs I was pretty proud of how quickly I managed to train and gain gp and how well I could support others through their training with the release of nmz. 


Least favourite fight.. Again I always enjoyed the fights, but there is one in Clan Wars that really stands out as being an incredibly frustrating fight, however I can't remember who it was against so no help there really. 


Never really disliked anyone within TR, I did dislike inactive leaders in other clans. 


11 hours ago, true said:

@Des Troyer @Clugred @HsCrusader07 Where there any well-known clanners that were supposed to be involved with TR's inception that fell through/stayed in their clan?


Not that I'm aware of. There were some who helped out with ideas and advice, but were never intending to join, for example Franzk, and there were those curious about joining us and either they did or didn't,  but none of those who were part of the actual inception backed out as far as I recall. 



I used to fight you specially when I was at Swords of Glory and The Call of Legends and I did enjoy reminding all from reading this!

What are your thoughts on TCL?

Have you ever attended a Runefest?

What are your current goals on OSRS?



50 minutes ago, true said:

What country clans did you respect the most?

Not really sure, one of the lithuanian clans, think it was LF, but not sure was a pretty nice clan, with some good members and of course RDC were always a good bunch from my recollection. 


27 minutes ago, true said:

@Clugred how’d you come up with your rsn 

So when I was at school there were several Claires and most of them had nicknames, I didn't, but my friends were always saying I should. Then first week of a new year and I was in an english lesson when a teacher made us introduce ourselves. I was nervous and said my first and last name very quickly and she heard it as Cluggins, so from then on that teacher always called me that and my friends caught on and adopted the nickname Clug for me. When I started playing on RS Clug was taken and as red is my favourite colour I just added it to the end. Simple. And yes @true I still remember what you said about it. 

  • heart 1
2 minutes ago, Frankventura said:

I used to fight you specially when I was at Swords of Glory and The Call of Legends and I did enjoy reminding all from reading this!

What are your thoughts on TCL?

Have you ever attended a Runefest?

What are your current goals on OSRS?

Afraid I don't really remember TCL. I was talking about this with someone earlier. When it came to other clans and our so-called rivalries I was never really involved, I just wanted to fight and ensure we maintained a healthy community outside of the fighting. While it was important to do well and achieve much from each and every encounter, the specific clans were never that relevant or important, I just always wanted us to do our best. 


Yes I have attended a Runefest, courtesy of my husband, don't think it's something I would have done had I not attended with the Jagex team. Think it was around 2013.


None, if I ever get time to play I'd probably drop in and check out the clan world in more detail, as well as attending the odd fight that True likes to invite me to. 

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1 hour ago, true said:

What country clans did you respect the most?

In my opinion from a Tr perspective 

Respect wise probably TCL or Wilderland. Easy to communicate fights with despite time difference. Always up for action even if the time zone was against them.


Fools/CU/Eomeri group was probably the most enjoyable for me. Across their multiple forms they provided a constant challenge due to their average member quality which at the time wasn’t the norm. 

  • heart 1
12 hours ago, Peter said:

@Des Troyer What are your thoughts, looking back, on the New Blood project we had after reopening TR in 2015? Do you think something like this would have been more successful during the 2007-2012 period? Were you guys ever thinking about creating a junior clan during your active leadership? 

NB was an amazing project 




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