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4 hours ago, Lavigne said:

Also technically I should ask foy this, but I can't, and I still ain't over disliking him but I think that's cos we've been apart and I don't necessarily have a grudge, but we ain't softened things up a bit by just being around - why was he such a fucking nightmare to work with. Ashley/Paul I kinda got it because they were my balancing act and I was just too hotheaded to realise it - they would stop me doing dumb shit when you weren't around (like trying to take on CT & AF on our own) - but Foy was by far the hardest I had to work with, just because we such different visions. You know him better than any OSRS player, why was he like this?

I think as the years went on he became less and less of a people person. Lets be honest about it he was a bit of a perfectionist/elitist and set in his ways. I don't think it was a case of him like wanting everything done his way but he just wasn't open to change required to rebuild.

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2 hours ago, Wee Man said:

Is there anyone you'd be interested to see an AMA from?


Have there been any decisions or ideas you've disagreed with within Tempest? How did they turn out?


Is there anyone in the clan who you'd like to see in a rider+ role in the future?


Is there anything in your original AMA that you lied about/omitted/ignored etc  that you'd be willing to talk about now?


What do you think of the Tempest community and why?


What would you want somebody to know before joining Tempest?


Who/What has made you laugh the most in Tempest?


Who needs a thorough clock cleaning?


What's your opinion on Jagex in relation to PvP?



I think everyone wants to see a Ned AMA but it won't happen.


I didn't agree with Eric getting ranked. We all know how that turned out.


There's plenty of people here who I worked with in DI that I know could do a good job but they probably just aren't interested at this stage. Always thought @Sir Severedwould make a good rank.


Nope, nothing I lied about. Everything I said about exploiting/hacking forums was true. I honestly never got into DDoSing etc when other clans were doing it. We did have an RSC mod in DI that would bend the rules about giving IPs but we never used them to DDoS, was more for anti spy stuff.


Discord is the hub of our community and that's pretty similar to how DI was with IRC. I feel like the community is pretty similar to what DI had during OSRS so I enjoy it. More GMT would be nice but not much can be done about that.


That it isn't like back in the day in terms of activity etc. We just want people to have a fun time and be part of the community.


Probably the @Bolton Squad incident


@Steikasneeds his clock cleaned


I don't blame Jagex for not caring about PvP anymore because of all the shit that goes on in the PvP community. They tried and failed.

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Do you have any DI records older than April of 06? I was kicked from being a Future Member of DI (I think the rank had a dark purple color) in what was probably late 05, early 06? I vaguely remember I was thought to be spying for either Dragon Tonna/Deerslayer17, or someone in that vein, and I had no idea who they even were at the time. 


How much intel did the BNC you hosted in 2016/2017 provide you on what people were saying behind closed doors to each other? Did you find out anything interesting besides general lack of morale and memes?


I applied (at least I think I did) for council at the end of 2016, was I ever in contention for the role? What kept me from getting it?


You previously said in your past AMA that some of the ending DI officials directly contributed to the downfall of OSRS DI and you came to the conclusion that you couldn't work with them. In this AMA, you said a couple of them were some of the best officials in the OSRS era. Can you explain the contradiction? Slim pickings? Or is there more to it?


What caused the intense focus on RSB throughout the end of OSRS DI? Did you really think the Jcup was coming that soon that we needed to focus that hard on something that most of the clan had little, if any, interest in doing? 

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1 hour ago, Adam_ said:

Can we get more detail on the bill Clinton thing 

We had a CWA coming up which we put a lot of prep into and we didn't want anything to fuck up getting the win. This guy had been skipping events and was on Steam which is really bad for CWA. In the first round he was asked to sit out because we outpulled. So far so good. We took the round. In the second round hes asked to sit out again because we'd rather lock in the 2-0 rather than it going 1-1 and having big pressure in the last round. He was asked to sit the round again because in addition to the stuff mentioned above he was just bad. It was explained to him in a "nice" way by True that he'd fight the third round and we appreciated him being there. Instead of acting like an adult and accepting that he started going on some rant about attending and not getting to fight. So I told him shut the fuck up and we could talk about it after. There was no after since he was smoked out.

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3 hours ago, Brian said:



Always liked RDC because any member who came from there to DI was a good member.

I remember you , Floritus & Aambei got on well 👀


In old DI you were always pretty quiet and to yourself, or at least seemed to be quiet in DI-priv, now you seem a lot more talkative and open; what prompted that?


You ever thought about doing a CS server again with tempest? I always remember that was a lot of fun whilst it lasted. Felt it was a good way to break the ice with some people, especially those who didn't play RS outside events. 



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1 hour ago, Adam_ said:

With the departure of the bbu has there been any other instances where you guys had to keep an eye on or try to prevent another clique like deal ?

Nope. Generally groups like that aren't trouble but I knew this one was going to be a problem from the start. I flagged it up at the start but it went quiet for a while. Only became trouble again at a later date.

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1 hour ago, Adam_ said:

What did you think of CT and Jaja when they were around ?



CT really only got "good" after I left RS. My understanding is Christy (I think that's how you spell it) put up with a lot of shit in terms of rl flames etc and I know what that's like. Looks like they done ok for themselves.


Jaja were always a minor annoyance but never really had much of an impact

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