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Top 5 Officials

True 2k8

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Some names...

  • Broski -- just think he's all time, so level headed, always several steps ahead of everyone in terms of understanding psyche's and a clans next move.
  • Ghjff -- stood the test of time and had an aura around him that created a special notion of leadership and control that's hard to replicate.
  • Mattyb -- developed a special set of skills and took RoT from great P2p pkers to an all around clan to be feared, strong all around, not afraid to test the boundaries by trying new things.
  • Icedrop / Bow -- had a very particular way of doing things but managed to find success through very strategic and measured ways.
  • True -- best recruiter the game has ever seen and seems to never forget anything.
  • Bishinmo -- always seemed to be playing a character but maintained that for such a long period of time. Garnered a lot of respect and had a different way of approaching everything.














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Never worked with someone besides my brazillians friends in TCL or TMC

I think it would be cool to work with:

1 - True

2 - Rene

3 - Starman050

4 - Hecticdan (George)

5 - MattBrazill


guess those names would teach me something that I dont know




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No particular order

Ghjjf (DI) - You don't lead a clan, or lead in general for almost 2 decades and not know what you're doing. And his experience showed working with him. Didn't take shit but recognised people who cared, buy a fucking mic.

Icedrop (RSD) - I wasn't led by Icedrop for a very long time, but he became a good friend of mine and was one of the more mature and intelligent Leaders of his era.

Lenny/Myronator (CL) - This guy was a riot. Aussie clans aren't exactly known for being reserved and Lenny did an impressive job of keeping his members in check. Only Duncan would take less shit than Lenny did in CL lol.

Tim (Downfall) - Downfall had that reputation for being one hell of a ball of autism, but only someone who was in Downfall would know better. One of the best callers I've ever played with and played a pivotal part of putting Downfall in the promised land of probably the best midsize clan to grace this game. 

Inf (Damage Inc & Vitality) - Another no nonsense taker and not afraid to get real and at times even be insubordinate to those ranked above him if he needed to to get a point across. A realist for best results, and an asset.


Probably for me as an ex clan official, think I worked well with the DI and Vitality guys, would have liked to have worked with the Downfall guys more, but don't feel we had the same Leadership style I was a bit more no nonsense taking and didn't really adapt to the more retirement home casual lifestyle a lot of clanners preferred to have these days, which showed in Impact when i had no issue wanting to strike half the clan for not showing up to shit or not putting effort in or just being bad at the game on purpose. Think working with True would have been a good laugh as well. Think I was well suited to CL until I left and probably one of the only clans I wasn't ranked in that I would have liked to work in the leadership team for was Exodus.

Edited by Lavigne






Grand Miracle Wizard of the Far-Right Sea Templar's Party | Bringing racism back into RS clanning since 2023.



RSN: South Tyrol

Leader of REIGN community since 2004 - Undisputably the best gaming community in history.

An absolute shitload of rank ones/top10 rankings in multiple games. Now too busy.



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Tough having experienced so many good ones. but if I had to pick 5 I think I'd go with in no particular order.

Brian / Ghjjf



Lord Goro (Old Jags official from way back)

Jericho (ex Leader of Gladz, and 1 of the coolest people I've ever met on Runescape)

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Think ideally for an effective staff team you need a shot caller, obviously effective in game leaders, people who help with behind the scenes stuff, and some people to do the more mundane day to day work and who are smart/reliable but don’t cause problems. 

Some People that stand out from my time in downfall 

Amateurnoob - people who know Dan might laugh at this but he was one of the best recruiters I’ve seen and he kept the community really fun. What he did to get downfall off the ground from like a 75+ open cc is pretty incredible.

Hellz Taxi/Bryanq/Tizi Smart reliable loyal and would get stuff done. Basically ideal council imo

Adam - Good at reading people and always had an understanding of clan world dynamics and decision making

The End - Smart guy discrete and good  at scheming

Tim/Devin - Good callers and motivators who always were up for a challenge and pushing the clan to be better.


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Jack - great mediator, lots of brains, skilled at dealing with cry baby leaders of other clans

Adam - by far the heart of any community without trying

The End - genius, great spymaster

Tim/Devin - I'm torn between these 2, they're both fantastic in game leaders and together are very dynamic

Moses - I'm going out on a limb here, but Moses from Brut/PD. I don't know anyone who strives to be more active in Runescape than Moses, literally can expect a mass poke to 'move up' at any time of the day or night.



Edited by nick







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