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Everything posted by Victoria

  1. Sticking with PC gaming. Unfortunately the only console developer that still makes worthwhile systems is Nintendo. I say this because their hardware isn’t trying to compete with the PC market, the company is always trying new and interesting ideas with their systems, And the majority of their first party games are still very fun to play. Changing the way you interface with hardware can make all the difference in a gameplay experience. Nintendo still attempts to push the envelope while Sony and Microsoft are basically creating limited PC’s that have an occasionally decent “exclusive” title while doing nothing to stand out or apart from the PC gaming market, so to me it doesn’t seem worth it.
  2. If you can get a good group of people together it can be quite fun. The game itself is a basic tabletop RPG outline, whether it's boring or not is dependent on the DM and the players involved.
  3. Damn, that’s a huge loss.
  4. Imagine not being Tempy in 2020 holy crap.
  5. Unexpected development, welcome.
  6. I’m seeing nothing but pure history here. You stated you’re interested in joining, have you ever been in a main clan before? Welcome to the forums. Stick around and get to know more people.
  7. You seem unhinged, welcome.
  8. I’m sure I know you, can’t place who you are. Either way, welcome.
  9. Thanks for the fight Revolt + Bandits, was a lot of fun.
  10. In at least 50 words, who is the biggest spastic in Tempest and why is it True 2K8?
  11. Rift Guardians are neat, congrats.
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