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Everything posted by Victoria

  1. Victoria

    99 crafting

    You did it! ❤️
  2. Hey RoT! Was super fun killing all 5 of you. Guess that SV merge didn't work out for you?
  3. Was very surprised to see a DM from you today, you disappeared very randomly in 2017 and hadn't heard from you since. I am curious, how did you manage to find us? It's good to see you're still around! Welcome back, make a Discord ID soon so we can chat!
  4. Best clan of all time f2p? This probably belongs with RSD. No other F2P based clan had the relevance, strength or influence for the duration that RSD did, nor were other clans as consistent in quality over the duration of their existence as RSD was. Best clan of all time p2p? This squarely belongs to Damage Inc for the majority of RS2. Quality wise, no clan could or would compete. Our influence was massive, our forums were a sort of psuedo-RSC style community that saw traffic higher than the majority of most community-based fansites on any given day. This isn't even debatable. Overall best clan of all time? Would still say DI. The unique thing about DI was the fact that we weren't afraid to compete in as many aspects of the game as we did, whether it was F2P Multi, P2P Singles or P2P Multi which was unheard of from many other clans. Worst clan of all time? Too many of them to list, there's been a lot of garbage over the years. if I had to name a few top contenders, it would be the likes of Echo of Silence, Kill Orgy, Anonymous Community, Poison, Dynasty and so on. Best mid size clan of all time ? 20-60 members. This is a bit tougher to answer. I'm going to omit country clans because some of them used to be absolutely massive (FOOLS was far from a mid-sized clan), but if I had to pick one I'd say OSRS Downfall. Bit of a rough crowd from what I remember but they could put up a decent fight when push came to shove. Best and worst callers of all time? BEST: Radicalsurfu from DI, @Gochance1 here obviously, and B289 from RoT. WORST: Guggiey. He gave it his best and he tried his hardest when he was up there, but not at all consistent and sometimes incomprehensible. His heart was in the right place though. Strongest leadership team of all time? RS2 DI - We had some absolute workhorses and a lot of great ranks. There's too many to list, but some good shoutouts would be people like Brian, Flako, Bellmaster, Oergg, Winzent, Joeblogs, Radicalsurfu etc., Very hands-on individuals both in-game and with the community, all extremely driven. Tempest - Lots of really talented individuals from strong backgrounds in their respective disciplines, new and old alike. You all really deserve the praise for the hard work that goes into this clan everyday, both game related and community focused.
  5. Good fight noobs, thanks for the scrap.
  6. Could you please? That would be incredible.
  7. Send me your Discord details either here or in a private message and I’ll try to get you connected with him.
  8. There’s a few I wouldn’t mind talking to again. Although I’m certain I was one of their last known contacts, so running into anyone that knows their whereabouts would be a freak occurrence. Zparanoid - Extremely close friend, disappeared randomly from RS3 around the start of the pandemic. Just want to know that they’re safe. Buzzb252 - Another friend of mine from DI. She slipped into obscurity in 2015/16 with her date and haven’t heard from her since, hope she’s doing well. Lord Danjel0 - He ended up joining the dutch army at one point and had disappeared then re-appeared multiple times between 2008 and 2015. Last time I saw him was in 2015 and he never came back. Wouldn’t mind talking with him one more time.
  9. I can put you in touch with Fefe. He’s still around, not sure how often he checks Discord.
  10. Last saw him a few months before Tempest opened. Haven’t seen him pop up in recent months, but for a while he was still playing somewhat casually. I’ll keep an eye out for him and see if he comes back.
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