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Bunny Guest
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Everything posted by Xero

  1. I did not realize that he was ever promoted to a PK Leader rank. This has been enlightening.
  2. Xero

    stre lwl?

    Congrats! That's huge!
  3. My preference would be just a plain hot dog with ketchup on it, but I could eat it with onions and it wouldn't be awful. No issues here.
  4. I love the guy but agree with this.
  5. Hawaiian (Ham and Pineapple). All other pizza combinations are inferior.
  6. Hey Bekka! Welcome to the forums! Seems like you're on the right track, keep training and hanging around the community!
  7. I'll echo the items in inf's list. The only things I'd touch on first is that you can either buy dumbbells or get a set of adjustable dumbbells for more range and options starting out. You can hit every muscle group between the above items and bodyweight movements. Sure, there are things you can target better or hit a little harder with specialized equipment in the gym, but you can definitely stay active with just this. And depending on where you live, you may not even need cardio equipment. You can always run outside, bike, swim or run stairs in your house repeatedly. Based on what gear you have, we can recommend specific exercises, so just let us know!
  8. This. There are plenty of things you can do at home, do you have anything? We can give suggestions/recommendations. What do you have access to?
  9. Thanks for doing this. In the period that I played, the two clans I felt like we had the biggest rivalries with were VR first and foremost, and then EoS. I always felt like I was able to have a good, reasonable conversation with @Mar and never had any issues personally. I specifically remember numerous EXTREMELY long fights. Do you regret these? Do you think they were still fun to this day? I personally despised the hours+ long fights and I think that is part of what ended up pushing me away from the game years ago. It was inevitable, given the ability to return, just like dragging became commonplace, things always evolve, but I can't help but feel that those extremely long fights ruined part of the clan world, Jagex being the final nail in the coffin with the removal of the wilderness. CWA just wasn't the same.
  10. Loving the Slayer gains! Nice whip from Abby's, too.
  11. I don't like any of these options.
  12. Excellent! Also, a bit more out of the fantasy realm but Sphere by.... Michael Crichton I think? Very good read.
  13. Xero


    I need a Mage's Book, do you know anyone who had an extra one?
  14. Xero


    Oh wow. Congrats dude. Can't believe I missed this. And what a drop party too wtf.
  15. Xero

    Nostalgic Games

    Ones that stand out to me: The original Red/Blue Pokemon games, also the Silver/Gold. WoW will always hold a special place. RS naturally. Console games: Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time and A Link to the Past, MegaMan X2 and X3, Smash Brothers on N64, Mario Kart 64. Any of the Mario games for Super Nintendo.
  16. My bookshelf is full of hardcover books of a couple different genres. I don't have much non-fiction, but for sci-fi/fantasy I can recommend the following: Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time - This is a MASSIVE series in the same style as Tolkien's LOTR. Currently re-reading it cover to cover again. Fun fact: Amazon Prime is filming to make this into a TV show in the same scope that Game of Thrones was and I couldn't be more excited, I would recommend this series hands down to anyone. Be warned though - it's lengthy. Sanderson actually finished the last three books in the series from Jordan's notes after he passed away from a terminal illness. Patrick Rothfuss' Name of the Wind - First book in a 3 book series (currently released 3 books, slated for more). They're extremely good, only downside is Rothfuss hasn't finished the series, he's been pulling a George R. R. Martin lately and is procrastinating, extremely annoying. George R. R. Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire - This goes without explaining, with the only caveat being that the series is yet incomplete. Damn good work though. Terry Goodkind's Sword of Truth - This is okay, I liked some things with it and not others. He recently passed. If you do read this series, I recommend ending at "Confessor", after that he started writing more and started the story back up after it ended and I just didn't care for it. Brandon Sanderson's Mistborn Trilogy - Excellently done, but you already read this one. Brandon Sanderson's Stormlight Archive - This is next on my list to read, I picked up the first one (The Way of Kings) but haven't started it yet.
  17. Not the biggest NMZ fan but can't argue with results, you crushed this out pretty fast. Good work dude!
  18. Hey Krystal! Welcome! There's a lot of people that hang around the community that used to play and elected not to again and that's totally alright, nice to see another old name!
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