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Everything posted by Kav

  1. Kav


    Grats also, who hurt you?
  2. Kav

    96 bow maker

    FM and Fletch, forever cursed capes Grats!
  3. Somebody SAAAAAAAAAAAAAVE me Don't care how you do it Just save saaave
  4. Is "Bigus Dickus" an actual spell that works?
  5. Kav

    Sub 30 jad

    Offering inferno cape services soon?
  6. Kav


    Jinkies Batman
  7. BBQ's are good year round Anything can be considered an activity if you're brave enough
  8. Kav

    im back

    Mining, Hunter, & Runecraft being ignored from affecting one's base skill list is common etiquette But if you aren't looking for an out, grats and good luck lad!
  9. Occasionally swap between stubble and a really short beard depending on how sharp the jawline currently is
  10. Nuke all the spiders So I can begin to complain about flies in a spiderless world
  11. Grats Also, I'm much more ok with seeing a regular fire cape in my discount vork set now
  12. Explaining this predicament can also be considered as a suggestion for a 3-way if NTR is what's needed to spice up your life, to each their own
  13. The raggiest of sets tend to be the most lucrative Nice showing yall
  14. Push Ups/Deadlifts in between dab hits
  15. I'm more of a commie in my sets than I am in politics
  16. money money moneeey *moneey*
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