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Bunny Guest
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Everything posted by Kav

  1. More hidden than the rotten potato
  2. Albion is the only other one, it's literally if Runescape went the opposite route of Evolution of Combat No catering to carebears, NO BOTS whatsoever, and 3rd party RMT'ing is non existent over their repeated accuracy in ban waves Every guild, no matter how small or uncompetitive, can afford to regear 80% of all deaths for multiple fights over a day, even if they lose Imagine if the Wildy dwarfed all the safe zones in size thrice over with room to spare, that's what Albion's Black Zone is Once you go black, you never go back Some random ZvZ montage, and trust, this is optimized really well so even older rigs can run this fine, even when things get spicy
  3. Kav


    elder maul prods rejoice
  4. Kav

    Pk Video 215B+

    Watching this made me rob my own house
  5. Another one bites the dust Mi casa su casa.
  6. 2 of the 3 parties involved got their RS itch for the day Ty for the fight lads ❤️
  7. We can barely get people to meet gear reqs in 2021 & jaggy thinking people want a fresh temp restart grind PTSD from ArcheAge Fresh Start servers
  8. US intelligence estimates 90 days before this conflict's negotiations further evolve. Aaaaaaand it's gone
  9. If anyone was absorbing all of the clan's available good RNG, it'd be you Grats!
  10. Nothing but DF on DF violent crime Ty for the fight lads ❤️
  11. As far as relapses go, this is the best one by far Will update as need be
  12. "Rot cleared x5" got saved for next time
  13. Even when RoT successfully crash, they still lose Thanks for the fight lads ❤️
  14. Prepared another grave if you're in need
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