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Bunny Guest
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Everything posted by Kav

  1. No one clan can have all that power
  2. Thanks for the solid fight as always AF ❤️ Can never enjoy enough of these
  3. Ps1 - Crash Team Racing was my discount Naughty Dog variant of Mario Kart + gameboy color cause Pokemon/Call of Duty were the only recurring gaming franchises I gave a shit about sadly
  4. If anything can secure that inferno cape, it's them agility/construction lvls Best of luck! I dare not even attempting the inferno as of yet
  5. Let the poach wars between the main/pure community begin The 2 earliest OSRS wars: NA friendly events Vs EU friendly events being the majority OR Mains vs Pures poaching from the same pvp focused player base
  6. First one to congratulate you in clan chat? Now I know I've made it
  7. I thought smol teams popping up randomly in the wild was supposed to be after the wildy rework Tempy ahead of the curve as always, good job lads
  8. Props to setting up the atmosphere for this spicy encounter down under ❤️
  9. Baited Thought this would be way gayer Grats though, I guess
  10. Rune Essence mining lasted me till my first rune sword @ 20k from the same varrock east bank I slaved out of Took immediate revenge on the black knights hustling my daily PvE voyages, met a dude who promised me a month of membership in pm's at that castle, & that was that. Take two came in swinging all the way to farming Rune Meds outta lesser demons in Karamja, on top of occasionally swiping stacks of random arrows. Full Sara tho? glow2:shake:WTS Big Bones 475gp Ea ~ Bulk ~
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